Any other Opeth fans...

Well sorry. I didn't think that this post was off topic considering the fact that I asked if any other Opeth fans were into hardcore or metalcore. Sorry for confusing December into that genre, I am finding lately that I don't class music much anymore cause if it is good then it is just that, good. Also I never once said that hardcore was as good as death metal. I am just into it. Anywho take care all.
Originally posted by opethfan4life19
Well sorry. I didn't think that this post was off topic considering the fact that I asked if any other Opeth fans were into hardcore or metalcore
If you're reffering to O'blivion's post about an off-topic post, he wasn't refferring to you, he was reffering to ColdKingdom45's post. This thread is fine :)
I second that!

However, I saw December and Stampin' Ground last night supporting The Haunted and they were great. But it's not really something i'd be too bothered with on cd.