Killzone 2

Who cares, it's fun :)

Agreed.. i still play COD:WAW because i want to rank up, but hell.. that game is just copy/paste of COD4 and pretty badly done as well.
The maps, imo, lack dynamics.. it's just bigger maps where they just drop a house here, a tree there, some walls here, very inconsistent and not even close to how good the maps in COD4 are..
Overgrown, vacant, creek, wetwork, block, just to name a few are so much better then the maps in COD5.. hell, i can't even name maps from COD5 right now, that's how much they lack character... and yet i can name 5 COD4 maps from the top of my head even though i have not played it in months.

oh wait, in COD5.. the one with the churchtower, i like that one.. that's it. :lol:

Ok sorry.. killzone 2.

I might get it later on, i was not impressed by the demo at all.. too many scripted things in it, mate has to unlock a door.. cover him! but first you need to kill ALL of the enemies otherwise, for some magic reason, he can't unlock the door.. lol.

Also, enemies that are well trained killing machines that just love to sit right next to red barrels labeled "WATCH OUT YOU RETARD, HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE, DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT SIT NEXT TO ME!!".

Maybe multiplayer will convince me to get it, but i'll wait for a while and see what my friends think of it.
Odd. I found the WaW maps to be MUCH more balanced. There's open areas AND close quarters areas too... so it seems to be able to allow you to play YOUR style on almost any map.... and it tends to be more balanced for objective-based games as well. There were CoD4 maps that were hugely tilted depending on where you spawned and some REALLY fucking campy areas as well.

4 has superior weapons, but I think WaW stomps it in balance.

Still too fucking laggy, however.
Odd. I found the WaW maps to be MUCH more balanced. There's open areas AND close quarters areas too... so it seems to be able to allow you to play YOUR style on almost any map.... and it tends to be more balanced for objective-based games as well. There were CoD4 maps that were hugely tilted depending on where you spawned and some REALLY fucking campy areas as well.

4 has superior weapons, but I think WaW stomps it in balance.

Still too fucking laggy, however.

Aah, that is a good point actually.. some COD4 maps were very hard and very unbalanced.. creek for example, search and destroy.. chances are very small that are going to win a game while having to plant the bomb.. less maps on WAW have this, this is true.
Well all I ever play is Team Deathmatch (etiher Mercenary or Hardcore), but I agree whomever spawns on the house side of creek definitely has the advantage. However, the other maps all rule IMO (except Wetwork, FUCK THAT MAP JESUS CHRIST...and I'm really not too keen on District, and I'm so sick of Block)
You guys familiar with Its the competitive gamer website. I was in a top ten clan in CoD4... if you guys need any help, let me know... seriously, I could probably be an MLG pro if I didnt like... leave the house for beer and bitches.
The trick is to not skip the killcam so you don't respawn under the same airstrike ;) (easier said than done, I know!)
The trick is to not skip the killcam so you don't respawn under the same airstrike ;) (easier said than done, I know!)


this game can be DOMINATED by being tactical. having insane quick aim certainly helps... but using your head is key. So many people play this game with real stupid strategy... or lack thereof, I'd suppose.

Stop being scared and hit me up, fuckos.
The controls of Killzone 2 are unfortunately not as good as cod4 for the ps3. For a COD4/5 guy it will be needed hours of settling this shit.

@Goddamn guitar. what´s your PSN name? I wanna add ya.
The controls of Killzone 2 are unfortunately not as good as cod4 for the ps3. For a COD4/5 guy it will be needed hours of settling this shit.

@Goddamn guitar. what´s your PSN name? I wanna add ya.

Change the controls to the alternate 2 option and turn on the hold zoom. It's more similar to COD settings to zoom/aim at L1 instead of R3.

Made a huge difference.

I'm Feared-se on PSN!
Change the controls to the alternate 2 option and turn on the hold zoom. It's more similar to COD settings to zoom/aim at L1 instead of R3.

Made a huge difference.

I'm Feared-se on PSN!

Yeah, exactly this I also choosed. Thanks for your help nevertheless, dude. My problem is actually the aiming, not the button occupancy. I think, it´s the only weak point of the game, but I hope I get used to.

When do you usualy play Killzone? Let´s meet us some time and kill :kickass:
Yeah, exactly this I also choosed. Thanks for your help, dude. My problem is actually the aiming, not the button occupancy. I think, it´s the only weak point of the game, but I hope I get used to.

When do you usualy play Killzone? Let´s meet us some time and kill :kickass:

I think that's one of the main points with Killzone, It is hard as hell to aim! If you're used to Call of duty precision aiming then you're in trouble.

I will likely play more in the weekend. But an hour here and there when my wife aint home.
I adapt to controls really quickly... I played Resistance at the same time I was playing Rainbow 6 competitively, and those two are far different.

Kz2's controls arent THAT crazy.

Also, Ill try to pick it up at midnight because the states' release date is the 27th. Some friends managed to snake it due to friends being managers at game shops or because of mom and pop shops selling it, but, there's no such thing around here.

The games I DO play:

Little Big Planet
NHL 09
Midnight Club LA
Skate 2
Killzone 2.

Looking to get MLB The Show and POSSIBLY H.A.W.X. depending upon reviews.

Get pwnd fuckos.

- J aka ID = TheCynic
I think that's one of the main points with Killzone, It is hard as hell to aim! If you're used to Call of duty precision aiming then you're in trouble.

I will likely play more in the weekend. But an hour here and there when my wife aint home.

Indeed man, indeed! It´s fucking hard to aim..and I ask me, wich of the first two machineguns is the better one. I have made 5 online matches and so far I killed 19 and I got killed 40 times:zombie: DESPAIR!

Tomorrow I will try hard to being better. Can´t stand this enrages anymore :lol:
Maybe we´ll see us, when your wife is on shopping tour..haha. My girlfriend is away for two days saturday and sunday. This will be an epic PS3 session :kickass:

Hahahahahaahahaha, sounds like a wholesome activity Felix

Hahahah yeah, just have some fun and kill :D Weekend, I come :rock: I really need some distance from the whole music circus.
I adapt to controls really quickly... I played Resistance at the same time I was playing Rainbow 6 competitively, and those two are far different.

Kz2's controls arent THAT crazy.

Also, Ill try to pick it up at midnight because the states' release date is the 27th. Some friends managed to snake it due to friends being managers at game shops or because of mom and pop shops selling it, but, there's no such thing around here.

The games I DO play:

Little Big Planet
NHL 09
Midnight Club LA
Skate 2
Killzone 2.

Looking to get MLB The Show and POSSIBLY H.A.W.X. depending upon reviews.

Get pwnd fuckos.

- J aka ID = TheCynic

Heeeey :) I think, you took me out of your PS3 buddylist..I really was not active very often, so I can understand it.

KZ2 problem is the aiming..cod4/5 is fuckin´much better in my opinion concerning aiming. It makes me crazy, dude :zombie: