King Crimson - The ConstrucKtion of Light


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001

I've been thinking of picking up King Crimson's The ConstrucKtion of Light CD for a while, but after reading some reviews on the net I am a little confused. It seems this album has the Crimson fan base divided like no other; I don't remember reading so many posts claiming this is their worst album to date. What do you guys think about it? Where does it sit musically in their discography and WHY do you think it's a good/bad album?

I personally enjoy a good dose of technicality with complex arrangements and metrical riffery blended with atmosphere and dissonance. I am a huge fan of stuff like No-Man Fripp guested on. I also think THRAK is a solid piece. Unfortunately, I haven't heard Power to Believe and thus have no reference point for The ConstrucKtion of Light CD.

What is everyone's opinion on this album?

I don't like it that much. imo Thrak and TPTB are clearly better.
somehow TCOL seems a little sterile...or whatever, it's hard to say why I don't like it