King Crimson

What a Great band...

I think Trey Gunn is the Bass player to put your Dollar on for best Bassist.
They dont miss a beat, stay with the times and even get better. Bruford is in everything good, KC, Yes, Earthworks, Gordian Knot, to name a few.

Mikael Sounds more like Greg Lake From ELP to me listen to Brain salad surgery Mikael is just a bit deeper maybe because of the Death stuff, Influenced by many though i agree.
king crimson was best in their early 70s period (larks' tongues, starless, red)

but i think we can all agree that the best KC song is "elephant talk"
i love king crimson. red is my particular favorite, although in the court of the crimson king is a close second. i hear ALOT of crimson in opeth. (mainly red-era.. there are times listening to a fair judgement' where i swear i;m listening to one of the tracks on red. and mikaels singing voice always sounded to me like a cross between king crimson's greg lake and john wetton)
another favorite band of mine, Tool, reminds me alot of a heavier version of adrien belew-era crimson. I missed the tool/kingcrimson show when they were on tour a few years ago, but that must have been amazing to see.
I once had a little respect for the band TOOL until I heard "Frame By Frame" by King Crimson. You'll notice at around the one minute mark of this track, a very familiar riff is played. TOOL ripped off this riff note for note. I know everyone rips bits and pieces off other bands, but 46 and 2 was the song that really broke the band world wide. Pitty.:Puke:

O_P_E_T_H said:
I once had a little respect for the band TOOL until I heard "Frame By Frame" by King Crimson. You'll notice at around the one minute mark of this track, a very familiar riff is played. TOOL ripped off this riff note for note. I know everyone rips bits and pieces off other bands, but 46 and 2 was the song that really broke the band world wide. Pitty.:Puke:

well what can i say, you're totally wrong