Kings of Cheese?


Feb 9, 2009
I ask ye, who are the kings of cheese?

When it comes to song about dragons, elves and fairies, you've got your pick. From Rhapsody to Hammerfall, power metal channels the inner Dungeons and Dragons nerd in us all. However, one must ask, who is the cheesiest?

Is it Manowar, maybe?

As a follow-up question, has any picture been posted on this forum more times than this one? Having asked that, I'll now step back and let the dozen cheese jokes, followed by intermittent postings of "Hail and Kill", take their natural course.
Dream Evil were already cheesy when they began, but are now "full cheese" since the last couple albums. Just check what are the guys names now... But it's good cheese and I enjoy them...
Dream Evil were already cheesy when they began, but are now "full cheese" since the last couple albums. Just check what are the guys names now... But it's good cheese and I enjoy them...

I wasn't aware of Dream Evil's new cheese status! My husband loves them, and I sang "My #1" for our wedding. I'll have to look into their new stuff!
I wasn't aware of Dream Evil's new cheese status! My husband loves them, and I sang "My #1" for our wedding. I'll have to look into their new stuff!

They are cheese personified... They are so much cheese that a discussion flares up every year in Sweden if they are "for real" or, or some kinda Power Metal Spinal Tap band... I'm not saying they are bad, not at all. I like them and they have a large following in Sweden. However, the cheese factor is massive.
Freedom Call = Cheese, but damn they do it so good, and every once in awhile there are some great songs on their Disks, like:

A Ultravox remake;

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You know you love them, you just need to come on out of the closet, hehehhe


Tarja will rejoin Nightwish.
Slash and Axl will form a new band.
Sentenced will resurrect.
Dolamite will behave at a JOP show.
Zod will grow hair again.
Glenn will stop liking Jimmy Buffett.

This will all happen before I get into Freedom Call.

Tarja will rejoin Nightwish.
Slash and Axl will form a new band.
Sentenced will resurrect.
Dolamite will behave at a JOP show.
Zod will grow hair again.
Glenn will stop liking Jimmy Buffett.

This will all happen before I get into Freedom Call.

Stranger things have happened, but your right, and they are the KING OF CHEESE
any band that acts like they are really evil.Behemoth,and other bands like that I just don't like that kind of stuff, and find it stupid. I always wondered if they act all mean and evil when they are getting ready to do some birthday shopping or something like that.
any band that acts like they are really evil.Behemoth,and other bands like that I just don't like that kind of stuff, and find it stupid. I always wondered if they act all mean and evil when they are getting ready to do some birthday shopping or something like that.

You clearly don't really know Nergal and/or Behemoth.

I can see this being the case with like Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir, though. In those cases, I'd agree completely!
You're right I really don't know any of them cradle of filth dimmu borgir behemoth or any of the other bands like that, but even if they are really true to being evil, that's worse than any other type of metal, to me anyway, because I just find the whole idea very dumb, i can't really explain how stupid it looks and sounds to me, the fake ones and the real ones are both cheesy to me. I know what some people might be thinking that I'm a crazy Christian or something, but I'm not even close, I just don't like the over done paint your face,and act like a jackass evil crap.
You're right I really don't know any of them cradle in filth dimmu borgir behemoth or any of the other bands like that, but even if they are really true to being evil, that's worse than any other type of metal, to me anyway, because I just find the whole idea very dumb, i can't really explain how stupid it looks and sounds to me, the fake ones and the real ones are both cheesy to me. I know what some people might be thinking that I'm a crazy Christian or something, but I'm not even close, I just don't like the over done paint your face,and act like a jackass evil crap.

Hey, I don't disagree with you at all. It's very cheesy and very stupid sometimes. What some of these bands do to "shock" is just laughable. I love the music in some cases, but the whole imagery is just bad. We're not in the early era of Black Metal anymore. It stopped being cool.

I do think, however, that Behemoth takes it to the next level without making it too cheesy or too stupid. Not to mention that they are the tightest, most amazing extreme band in a live scenario. You have no idea how amazing they sound live. Even for people who aren't fans of the style, you can't simply not appreciate them live. If you ever have a chance to check out their DVD or something, even if it's just for a song, do it.