Kirk Hammett vs Alexi Laiho

Who is better at soloing?

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imo they both are good and afaik kirk didn't fail in satrianis "school"

but if u want to see who's better maybe have a look at some videos and there u can see pretty clear that alexi makes more mistakes than kirk (for different reasons but often cos of speed...) kirk plays a lot more mistake free though he makes mistakes aswell...

and now my opinion on hearing solos and stuff... i think the solos of kirk fit the songs a lot more and add to the tension while alexis are more used to be good solos... if u take a look at warm up stuff from kirk u'll see that he can do a lot more than he does and alexi looks (in my eyes) more like some1 who tries to impress what he actually does... so i come to the end that both are great but imo kirk is better cos he is able to play better but leaves that behind to improve the whole music of the band...
btw.... i like making ... and i'm not a cob fan and not a metallica fan i like em both just to avoid some flames... :D
xjimmyleungx said:
thats interesing...didn't know that
who else is joe's students? i think i've heard that steve vai is....correct me if i'm wrong tho.
dunno...interesting side note part II, satch took lessons and after a year started teaching his original I think satch has enough knowledge to judge Hammet, and he judged him a failure.
Jesse- said:
"According to many sources, Alexi Laiho is the world's sixth fastest guitar player." -- Taken from
Yeah explain how people in this board can play faster than him?
Wikipedia sometimes is full of shit.
You can't say for sure who is the fastest guitar player, period. There can always be an anonymous fuck who is faster than the fastest.
Specially if it's a lie.
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