Kissteria Review

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Phwoarrrrrr!!!! Ok that was quite an amazing show last night!!!! They easily have to be one of the top Kiss tributes in the world. If they go to Adelaide Steve you have to check them out, you will love them!

Firstly, the music. Very tight except Ace's solos which he made lots of mistakes, but hey so does Ace so it only added to the realism!!! The only solo he butchered was in War Machine, but that's a Vinnie solo so again it added to the realism of the show hehehe. Ace rocked though! His guitar solo was awesome! And the drumming, phwoar!!! I'm glad they have an Eric Carr rather than a Peter. He sounds much better than the real Peter Criss, and also sounded better than Eric Singer did on the Farewell Tour when he had to pretend to be Peter. There were little double kick fills everywhere, in true Eric Carr fashion!! (Like on the Sydney 1980 video I have!)

Secondly, the vocals. &^@)$&^#@)$&^#@)%$&^#@ If you didn't know it was a Kiss tribute band, you wouldn't know the difference. Ace sounded like the real Ace. Gene sounded like the real Gene, and Paul sounded like the real Paul! It was really amazing!

Thirdly, the speech. Paul introduced all the songs with classic speech from the Alive albums and other classic bits of live footage from their videos, in the American accent and sounded alot like Paul, it was great! And when Ace came to the mic for Talk To Me and Shock Me and spoke, he was just like the real Ace!

Fourthly, their mannerisms. I think these guys need psychiatrists because its like they believe they ARE Kiss!!! Every little mannerism was identical! I hda to keep reminding myself "this isn't the real Kiss!" because it was easy to get caught up and think you were seeing Kiss!

Fifthly lol, their look. They have new costumes, exact replicas of the 1980 Unmasked Tour costumes and they look GREAT! Paul even had the top hat on for I Was Made For Lovin' You like he did on that tour. Their makeup was also done really well and their faces are even the right shape, they look so much like Kiss! Their bodies did too except Pauls... the only thing that didn't look like the real Kiss was that Paul was too short and didn't have enough chest hair haha! Also, their instruments were right! Ace used 2 Les Pauls, black and Sunburst, and Paul used Ibaznez Paul Stanley signature guitars, one of them custom made with the shattered mirrors!!!! And Eric had the double bass kit with the Kiss logos on the kick drums!

Sixthly, the setlist! I would've liked more non-makeup era stuff than just Lick It Up (I left early though, after God Of Thunder, coz I had to get the last train as me and my mate had no cab fare, so they may have done more non-makeup stuff later...) but it was still great! And they did WAR MACHINE!!!!!! That pleased me quite alot!!!! They also did songs like Parasite and Take Me which Kiss never do, it was cool :)

Finally, the show. WOW!!!! It started with the loud hum and the booming voice with the Kiss curtain covering the stage, and then it fell when the drums came in during the Detroit Rock City intro and it ruled! Throughout the show they had all the signature moves in the right parts of the songs, and they did all the theatrics they could... such as the red spinning lights in Firehouse, Gene breathing fire, Gene spitting blood, Ace's smoke bomb in the guitar, and I heard that Paul even smashed a guitar!!! It was quite an amazing show! I just wish I saw it all!

So yes, I highly recommend Kissteria and think they have to be one of the top Kiss tribute acts in the world!
Wowsers! That sounds better than either of the last two *real* KISS shows I went to :eek:.

Must make an effort to get there if/when they play Adelaide. It's a lot easier in theory than in practice though, which is why I didn't end up going to Dungeon :rolleyes:.

If pretty much everything in the universe was different from the way it is, I'd go to a lot more gigs and have a lot more of what you humans call fun* :lol:


*ie the employment of time in a profitless and non-practical way.
Yep you would love it! You can really tell what huge Kiss fans they are because every aspect of their show is amazingly accurate :)
They were great.
They made me remember why I hate the real Ace so much too;
Crap singer, crap songwriter, crap guitarist.
I love Ace. Even though I think thta he is an awful singer, and that Vinnie and Bruce are both FAR better guitarists, and that Vinnie is a million times better songwriter... but Ace is still cool hehe. His solos fit great with the '70s Kiss material and are very memorable, his problem was that he was so limited as a player that he couldn't move past that '70s rock guitar once the '80s kicked in (you can tell that in Frehley's Comet too). That's why Kiss needed Vinnie and Bruce in the '80s. Far better guitarists.

Ace was a huge ingredient in the "classic" Kiss sound though.
Sydo where were you anyway? I didn't see you there.....

Hey can you tell me what songs they did after God Of Thunder coz I had to leave then! I heard they didn't do Creatures or Love Gun....

Were there any more non-makeup songs such as Heaven's On Fire, Tears Are Falling, Crazy Crazy Nights, Unholy, Hide Your Heart or anything???? Or did they do The Oath? Coz they did last time I saw them which was a great surprise!

This is what I can remember of what I saw but I'll probably forget some and I know the order is all wrong haha:

Detroit Rock City
Shout It Out Loud
Calling Dr. Love
Hotter Than Hell
Talk To Me
I Love It Loud
Psycho Circus
War Machine
Shock Me
Lick It Up
I Was Made For Lovin' You
Take Me
God Of Thunder