Kiuas pronounciation.

Sep 30, 2005
A couple of friends and I want to settle the pronounciation of Kiuas once and for all. Is it pronounced as "Q-us" / "Key-waas" or do you pronounce all three syllables "Kay-you-us" or are all those choices wrong? Thanks.
Hi, another linguist here!

In Finnish it is common to have a /VVV/ constraint.
'kauan', 'huoahtaa', 'aion', etc.

Both /iu/ and /ua/ are also diphthongs in Finnish.

Kiuas is pronounced /'kiuas/ (IPA),
which would be (for English speaking persons)
key-was, where 'key' is short, and there's no aspiration on /k/.
The stress is only on 'key', and the /a/ is open like in 'car'.
LucaFin said:
Hi, another linguist here!

In Finnish it is common to have a /VVV/ constraint.
'kauan', 'huoahtaa', 'aion', etc.

Both /iu/ and /ua/ are also diphthongs in Finnish.

Kiuas is pronounced /'kiuas/ (IPA),
which would be (for English speaking persons)
key-was, where 'key' is short, and there's no aspiration on /k/.
The stress is only on 'key', and the /a/ is open like in 'car'.

Yeah my girlfriend confirmed this.
opacity said:
does "kiuas" mean something or is it an invented word?

hello, btw :wave:

It's finnish and means "sauna stove", that's the stove in the sauna that holds the rocks which are heated, and warms the whole sauna. Traditionally it's heated with wood, but nowadays there are electric ones as well, but they are for unbelievers and heretics!!! The true nordic metal warrior uses only the traditional wood saunas!
Oh yeah, hello to you too!
Mikko Ilmarinen said:
The true nordic metal warrior uses only the traditional wood saunas!

Hahhah, that's true :rock: Though circumstances have forced me to use electric sauna sometimes, but I think that's not the reason to refuse Sauna :hotjump: Ofcourse wood sauna is TRUE and the electric one is nothing compared to that :) This reminds me about the situation when I once was in sauna with my friend and we sung louder than hell the finnish part in "Across the Snows" :grin: Yksinään hän vaeltaa... !!!
For those that don't understand IPA or any of that other linquistic babbling (not that I wouldn't ;)) there is also a sound sample provided by our favourite band in "Across the Snows".

"Sydämensä kylmä on kuin maa routainen
mutta silmissään viha polttava kuin kiuas tulinen"
Of the three different "kuin kiuas tulinen":s in the song I prefer the second one (in the more raging part), since the first one has the S a bit too long and the third one is pretty unclear thanks to the roaring.

So the most correct pronounciation of "kiuas" is in Across the Snows at around 04:35 - 04:40 (precisely 04:39). Listen to it and end this uncertainty :)
i'm from croatia and here words are pronunciated as they are i'm goin' to say like it was written...kiuas k-i-uas..miko could upload link eith record of right pronuication;)
Hi, another linguist here!

In Finnish it is common to have a /VVV/ constraint.
'kauan', 'huoahtaa', 'aion', etc.

Both /iu/ and /ua/ are also diphthongs in Finnish.

Kiuas is pronounced /'kiuas/ (IPA),
which would be (for English speaking persons)
key-was, where 'key' is short, and there's no aspiration on /k/.
The stress is only on 'key', and the /a/ is open like in 'car'.

Me said:
Ohhh, okay, thank God you put that in terms I could understand
I just went by the Kiuas lyrics I've seen in Finnish and didn't see any /VVV/ constraints (I don't speak the language as I mentioned earlier) so I figured 'kiuas' was just an exception to the rule.
Turns out I was completely wrong about everything

How strange how much things change in a year. . .I just finished a 30 page paper on the linguistics of the Finnish language for the final part of my linguistic major and got a solid A. I went from not knowing one word of Finnish at this time last year to becoming, as far as I can tell, literally fluent in it (I can read and speak it. . .writing is a little more difficult because of the differences between the spoken language and the written language).
I guess that's what studying the language three hours a day every day will do to you. . .I thank Kiuas for helping me learn another language :)