Known albums recorded with Rectifiers?


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
The info on this is always thin on the ground, or shaky at best. Can any of you guys tell me what albums were definitely recorded using Mesa Boogie Dual or Triple Rectifiers? They're always touted as the best rock/metal amps money can buy, yet they don't seem to be massively popular in a studio context :\

I owned a triple, but sold it almost immediately as it was a frivolous purchase I couldn't really afford, and my other amps were getting more use at the time. I spent such little time with it and barely got to know it, or record with it, but when I did play through it it sounded phenomenal, and I'm itching to try one again as I'm fairly positive that it's the sort of sound I'm after for my band. I just want to hear some examples that really show off what they can do in a recording.

Ones that I know personally: King's X Dogman was tracked with the very early prototypes of the dual rec (rack-mounted, I believe?). Most, if not all, SYL... and that's about all I got. What else?
Nevermore - Dead Heart in a Dead World / Enemies of Reality and probably some other albums.
Devildriver - The Last Kind Words (5150+Recto)

With Recto i mostly think of Nu-Metal^^
Testament - The Gathering
That one was recorded with a triple rectifier

Also this was recorded with a dual rectifier:
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Pretty much everything Mark Tremonti has recorded. I'm not so sure about his recent albums though.

I'm 99% certain Between the Buried And Me used Rectos for everything up until Parallax II when they switched to AxeFx.

Soundgarden's Superunknown was a mix of Rectos and Marshalls.
Nevermore - Dead Heart in a Dead World / Enemies of Reality

I think "enemies of reality" was a triple rectifier.
"Godless endeavor" was 2 tracks rectifier and 2 tracks krank.

Dead heart in a dead world has the best rectifier tone I've heard in my opinion.

I think the reason they're not as popular as other amps in metal is because it's not as easy to get tight tones out of it, they tend to get muddy. At least in my experience.

edit: oh, I forgot one of the best ones, meshuggah's "Destroy erase improve", also great tone. "chaosphere" I think is also dual rec, but I'm not 100% sure.
yes =D
I'm not that sure, but i always thought Dååth used Rectifiers on their records. Somewhere was an info about that but i can't find it could have a look at it, maybe you find something. But now i see they recorded at Audio Hammer and with AH i generally think of a 5150 :rofl:
the new wave of american hard rock that came out in the first years of 2000, like soil, alterbridge, and a good 60% of the radio oriented hard rock american bands uses dual rectifier. also korn, evanescence, limp bizkit and most of the late 90s new metal bands.
Ghost Reveries and Watershed have Duals on 2 tracks (JVM the other 2 tracks on Watershed, can't remember what the other pair on GR was now).
Stabbing the Drama too, all confirmed by Jens himself.
I remember a while ago now Lolzgreg did a clip with a JVM with the Recto cab and I would have sworn to god he was using a Dual Recto for the amp too.
The Mode Four MF400 cab makes it a bit hard to to pick that it's a Recto on Stabbing the Drama I think and I think it goes to show how much of the 'Recto tone' that we expect to hear and hear in our heads has a lot to do with the cab.
Hybrid Theory (Linkin Park) has that very obvious Recto tone (also a good example of a Recto in a more 'rock/not traditionally metal' context), as well as some of the Limp Bizkit stuff.
Between the Buried and Me's stuff (some albums anyway) is also very easy to pick out as a traditional Recto tone.
DHIADW,while you can hear a bit of the Recto chunk, a lot of that tone is very heavily influenced by the 1960B cab and the T75s

Lol, refreshed the page and see someone has beaten me to the punch on some of the nu metal/alt metal stuff.
Korn has had some great guitar tones and bass tones.
Untouchables was Recto through a 1960 (don't recall if a A or B cab though unfortunately). Definitely has that T75 slightly hollow-ish tone like on DHIADW, but obviously a drastically different bass tone that's much more present in the mix (quite a sick bass tone too, IMO) that shapes the overall sound.
Evanescence, dunno bout the 2006 album, but Fallen was a Dual Recto Tremo-verb and some Marshall JCM800 through a Boogie cab
Ola has some good Recto clips on his youtube page for some more quality Recto references too.
^rammstein was Recto plus SansAmp. Dunno up until when though.

Yeah, the Sansamp tone was clearly evident on their earlier albums(think Du Hast), but then with their third album, Mutter, the Recto tone becomes more prominent.