Got to spend the weekend with the ol' Krank Revolution, and let me just get right to it, I think it sounds good. At first I didn't really like it, but then I got it dialed in better and I thought it sounded really good. I've heard a lot of people say Kranks seems to sound better in lower tunings, but I thought my Caparison sounded the best out of the three guitars I had, and it was in E tuning. My Edwards LP with EMG81's didn't sound very good through it, but I don't like EMG's anyways. My Burny LP sounded good in B tuning, but the TAT sounded really nice and tight, I actually thought the tone was great with that guitar and the Krank. I thought the amp was a bit more suited for rhythm playing, but leads still sounded good with some slight reverb/delay, and the clean tones were pretty nice as well. On par with something like an Engl Powerball clean, maybe a bit better. One thing though, I found setting the presence any higher than 9 o'clock just turned the amp into nothing but sizzle. I also kept the bass on about 8 o'clock, otherwise it was way too boomy sounding. I used my OD808 to boost the amp, I thought it sounded better boosted. Here are the settings I was using for the most part...
Presence - 2
Sweep - 6-8
Bass - 1
Midrange - 7-9
Treble - 4
Gain - 5
I still prefer my 5150, but I was actually pretty impressed with this thing. I got some good tones from it, and I wouldn't mind having one if I could score it for under $900 and could afford to keep it. I honestly liked this amp much more than the VHT 50CL, Powerball and Savage 120 that I had before.
Presence - 2
Sweep - 6-8
Bass - 1
Midrange - 7-9
Treble - 4
Gain - 5
I still prefer my 5150, but I was actually pretty impressed with this thing. I got some good tones from it, and I wouldn't mind having one if I could score it for under $900 and could afford to keep it. I honestly liked this amp much more than the VHT 50CL, Powerball and Savage 120 that I had before.