Krank Revolution review!


On The Fields Of Life
Jul 12, 2005
Greensburg, PA
Got to spend the weekend with the ol' Krank Revolution, and let me just get right to it, I think it sounds good. At first I didn't really like it, but then I got it dialed in better and I thought it sounded really good. I've heard a lot of people say Kranks seems to sound better in lower tunings, but I thought my Caparison sounded the best out of the three guitars I had, and it was in E tuning. My Edwards LP with EMG81's didn't sound very good through it, but I don't like EMG's anyways. My Burny LP sounded good in B tuning, but the TAT sounded really nice and tight, I actually thought the tone was great with that guitar and the Krank. I thought the amp was a bit more suited for rhythm playing, but leads still sounded good with some slight reverb/delay, and the clean tones were pretty nice as well. On par with something like an Engl Powerball clean, maybe a bit better. One thing though, I found setting the presence any higher than 9 o'clock just turned the amp into nothing but sizzle. I also kept the bass on about 8 o'clock, otherwise it was way too boomy sounding. I used my OD808 to boost the amp, I thought it sounded better boosted. Here are the settings I was using for the most part...

Presence - 2
Sweep - 6-8
Bass - 1
Midrange - 7-9
Treble - 4
Gain - 5

I still prefer my 5150, but I was actually pretty impressed with this thing. I got some good tones from it, and I wouldn't mind having one if I could score it for under $900 and could afford to keep it. I honestly liked this amp much more than the VHT 50CL, Powerball and Savage 120 that I had before.






DSS3 said:
Isn't this comming from the dude who made clips of the "Krank" and slandered the shit out of them?
Could be... Not sure..
Pretty much everyone over at the HC amp forums talks shit about krank, though they know nothing about the amp.

Usually someone will extensively play one and like it, like mark just did.

I like my krankenstien....:rock:
DSS3 said:
Isn't this comming from the dude who made clips of the "Krank" and slandered the shit out of them?

They run a very shady business, and most of the clips I had heard, and live bands using them had sounded god awful. I think I read somewhere that Krank made some revisions to the Revolution.
There have always been preconceptions about newer amp companies. The guys who've had their amps for years assume they'll sound bad, try them without fucking around with the settings at all, and write them off as another new garbage amp. The thing is, the Revolution has such variable tones that everyone's ideal settings tend to be drastically different from one person to the next. In Mark_Palangio's defense, they have been known as being kinda shady, posting fake reviews on websites and such, but if you buy one of their amps you'll find out they have excellent customer service, they just liked to play dirty for awhile to get their name out there I think.
I will admit, I was a bit skeptical of them too, having been a devout member at the HCAF hell hole for a year or two, haha! I have since pulled my head out of my ass and started to listen up to new techniques, advice, etc.... I have tried amps that I had heard through word o' mouth were horrible, but they actually turned out to be pretty cool. Internet-tone snobs are kinda dumb.

I will say that there are some really cool people over at HC, but they've been overrun by OT posts and a lot of arguing.

Andy's reamping job for Live Apocolypse really has me interested in Kranks. Damn, that was a spiffy tone.
stringy_ said:
I will admit, I was a bit skeptical of them too, having been a devout member at the HCAF hell hole for a year or two, haha! I have since pulled my head out of my ass and started to listen up to new techniques, advice, etc.... I have tried amps that I had heard through word o' mouth were horrible, but they actually turned out to be pretty cool. Internet-tone snobs are kinda dumb.

I will say that there are some really cool people over at HC, but they've been overrun by OT posts and a lot of arguing.

Andy's reamping job for Live Apocolypse really has me interested in Kranks. Damn, that was a spiffy tone.
Andy and Kranks were made for each other. Listen to Anthems then listen to Doomsday and tell me that amp didn't turn him from a phenomenal metal producer to possibly the best. The tones he gets from these amps are fuckin perfect.
stringy_ said:
I will admit, I was a bit skeptical of them too, having been a devout member at the HCAF hell hole for a year or two, haha! I have since pulled my head out of my ass and started to listen up to new techniques, advice, etc.... I have tried amps that I had heard through word o' mouth were horrible, but they actually turned out to be pretty cool. Internet-tone snobs are kinda dumb.

I will say that there are some really cool people over at HC, but they've been overrun by OT posts and a lot of arguing.

Andy's reamping job for Live Apocolypse really has me interested in Kranks. Damn, that was a spiffy tone.


There's a ton of bedroom wankers at HCAF aswell, so you also have to take that into consideration. Amps will sound different in a band situation