Krank Revolution Settings?

Hey guys, I just recently revamped my tone due to finding myself EQing WAYYYYY to much, so I thought it would be cool to talk about. What kind of settings do you guys use?


I recently recorded a hardcore punk band and I ended up raising the highs a bit. I've heard that andy's posted some of his settings for different albums before, anybody happen to know where to find them? I'm a big fan of all of the tones he's been getting with the revolution, especially when he mixes it with the 5150 *jizzes*:rock:
Sweep:3 - 6
Bass:3 - 5
Mids:3 - 6
Gain:5 - 7

The Sweep setting really dictates my Bass setting. If Sweep is around 3, I definitely cannot have the Bass set too high at all (when recording that is, unless I want to spend eternity EQ'ing it out. Jamming is another story). This is probably more to do with my poor/noob micing technique:heh: and is much more noticeable with a lower tuned guitar (C for e.g.) than closer to standard tuning. Mids to taste, Treble and Presence generally around 5. Gain 5 for recording, 7 for jamming. These settings are used with Mesa Trad Recto Cab. I am sure the sound will differ with a different Cab or guitar so I am not sure whether these will be of any use to others.
Borrowed a Revolution combo in 2004. The funny thing to me was the Sweep; I could never arrive at a tone I was 100% happy with because turning Sweep even slightly radically alters the tone so much that it feels like getting your ears cleaned or filled with wax depending on where you go with it. Very confusing and disorienting amp.

I have a bit more experience now with high gain tube amps and I'm eager to give Krank another chance, but for now I'm loving the idiot-proof 6505+ head.
only having mine a short time, but I like the Sweep. maybe the later versions are voiced differently. I'm not sure when mine was made. I bought it from Mark Palangio.
I got a replacement for my faulty Krank Revo today and thought I'd share some QUICK :heh: clips. The filenames inside the RAR's are pretty self-explanatory, eg:

Quad.wav - Quad tracked riff 1
Quad CR EQ.mp3 - Quad tracked riff 1 Colin Richardson EQ tips
Doub100.mp3 - Double tracked riff 1 panned 100% L/R
Doub80.mp3 - Double tracked riff 1 panned 80% L/R
Doub100 CR EQ.mp3 - Double tracked riff 1 panned 100% L/R Colin Richardson EQ tips
Doub80 CR EQ.mp3 - Double tracked riff 1 panned 80% L/R Colin Richardson EQ tips

Same goes for Riff 2.

I didn't use a Metronome or anything (oh yes you can tell, this multi-tracking is hard, it's only the second time I have ever tried it so it can only get easier I hope) so there are some timing issues :heh:, particulary at the start of riff 2, I wasn't exactly sure when to start the 2nd, 3rd, 4th tracks until I heard the original track playback.

I know they might/are not be the best tracked samples, but I'm not too embarrassed to post them, after all I am a GuitarHack :lol: and they were quickly done.

Details are:

BC Rich Plat Pro Warlock EMG 81 in Bridge >Krank Rev 1>Mesa Traditional Recto 4X12 Cab>SM57>M-Audio Firewire Solo>Guitar Tracks Pro 3

E-Flat tuning

Krank Settings:
Pres: 6
Sweep: 3
Bass: 3
Mid: 3
Treb: 6
Master: 2
Gain: 6.5

All tracks had their level raised and the ones with "CR EQ" had freq's 400, 1500, 5000, 9050 boosted by 4dB with a Q of 7. These settings were roughly taken from Colin Richardson's tips in an older thread.



Enjoy, or laugh at them, your choice.:lol: :rock:
only having mine a short time, but I like the Sweep. maybe the later versions are voiced differently. I'm not sure when mine was made. I bought it from Mark Palangio.


I thought it was a cool amp, I had to keep the presence real low, or it got way too fizzy for me.

EDIT: The one you bought from me is basically brand new, it's a 2006 model.
yeah, the Presence is pretty strong. but the Treble will balance it a great deal. also, it records very well at low volumes.

thanks again Mark...
