KREATOR - "Live Kreation" dvd KICKS ASS!!!!!

nuclear assault was awesome at metalfest. It was funny running(almost literally) into the glenn at the airport after the fest was over.
I picked up the kreator dvd at the end records booth. That and the iron maiden dvds are awesome!!
snickers said:
yep got it...would have been better if they just used one entire show though and perhaps have a bonus section w/ other live clips from different places.

I LOVE that DVD!! Mille thought it would be boring to sit through a whole gig and wanted it this way... he also wanted it to represent the whole worldtour a bit. I asked him that recently, here an excerpt of the interview:

(...) so it split up the live show a little bit, so that it doesn't get boring watching the whole thing because it's not the same as being in a live concert. It's always hard to sit through a whole live concert, no matter how good it is recorded and how great everything is, I think it's always nicer to have something in between.

I guess it's a choice you make. Because it is interesting to see all the things in between, the shots of the fans, interviews and everything. But I was wondering if that was a specific choice or there was maybe another reason why you didn't just film one show or film maybe more shows but put one show on the DVD.

I think we wanted to make the whole thing kind of like an impression of the whole world tour. Even though we had the idea of doing this in the middle of our tour, so a big chunk of the European tour was already over. We always get questions from the fans like "how are the fans in (let's say) America?", so now with this DVD the fans can see like ok if they want to get an impression of how the concerts are when we play there, then they can see the fans there, right there. And the American fans can get an impression of how the European fans are.

You are right, that is a very good idea. Even though the upside of having one continuous show is maybe that you feel more part of that particular show when you're watching it.

Yeah, maybe you're right.

But on the other side this is indeed more interesting and more fascinating to watch and to see all these different sides of it.

Yeah, that's what I thought, too. Because I've seen so many DVDs beforehand, I came to the opinion that I just wanted to do it differently. This to me seems the most interesting way to do such a project.