KRIKEY I'm gonna miss him...R.I.P. Steve Irwin

Other articles indicate that he was not killed by the sting, but by the actual puncture to the heart which caused cardiac arrest. I really had no opinion of him as I didn't watch his show much, but it is a sad thing. RIP.
If you gotta go, I guess you ought to go out doing what you loved.

Still, I was very sad to hear of the two very young kids he leaves behind without a Daddy. That part is heartbreaking.

Here's to you, Steve. I had fun watching your shows.
Here in Australia, as you can imagine, we are being inundated with the news. I think one of the saddest things is that yesterday, less than 4 hours after his death was announced, e-mail "jokes" started doing the rounds. :mad: Very uncool. There were times I thought the bloke was a peanut of the highest order, but on the whole he was doing a fantastic job of educating the public about animal welfare, quarantine issues etc.
A little known fact is that even though he and his organisation had made quite a tidy little sum of money over the years, he and his family were not what you would call rich, due to him donating large sums of money to various animal welfare charities, wildlife preserves, zoos, and the like.
Anyway, from one Aussie, thanks for your kind words regarding another.
By the way, I cannot confirm this, but a mate told me that apparently his 8 year old daughter, Bindi, wants to follow in her old mans footsteps. Now that deserves a resounding CRIKEY!!!
He will be sorely missed. He was the best kind of conservationist there is. Some of the more brow-beating environmental groups ought to take a lesson from him and learn how to educate rather than force-feed their doctrine.

Godspeed Croc Hunter. :worship:
Yep! I agree. I've posted in a couple places about this already, but I like animals better than MOST people, and I have nothing but respect for Irwin's knowledge, and the teachings he brought to people all over the world. I feel terrible for his wife & kids. At least he didn't suffer very long, and checked out doing what he loved...

It is truly ashamed. He risked life and limb constantly to get people's attention about wildlife conservation. Stingrays are very rarely lethal.... yet one took his life. He was a great spokesman for wildlife conservation, a great entertainer, a good family man and seemed to be a truly "good guy." He will be missed. RIP Steve.

Blue_Jay said:
I think he was killed by him pulling out the barb from his chest, not by the barb going into his chest.

I think he pretty much would have bought the farm no matter what he did, in that situation..... :(

I forget that he was so known overseas (coz his show isn't even really on TV in Australia!), it's been all over the news the last week though. It certainly is a shame...

And on Friday one of our other Australian "icons" died, Peter Brock who is like our most famous racing driver died in a car crash! I grew up watching him race in Bathurst 1000 every year when I was kid and idolized him, and he was a great guy too and a real ambassador for road safety and ran programs to make the roads safer and everything, always involved in charities...

Not a safe week to be an Australian icon! They did both die doing what they loved and what they were famous for though - Steve filming a wildlife stunt thing, and Brocky racing...