KT88 vs el34 in my Überschall (also purplemod ;) )

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
holy flying fuck!!!!
I loved the über with the JJel34L already, but I've just put =C= KT88 in it instead....and DAYUM!!!!
the topend fizz is completely gone, the bass is bigger yet quite a bit tighter, the whole thing sounds much bigger and more 3d now, also can I use more gain now without saturating/fizzing out the high mids as much...
It's unbelievable how much better this already kickass amp has gotten....I'm in love! :)

I've also replaced all lights with purple/pink-ish lights (the pilot lamp as well as the illuminated strip behing the active channel's knobs....sexy thing ;)

unfortunately the pic was taken with my crappy cellphone's cam, so it looks like white-ish pink, but it's nicely saturated pink/purple in real live...
I know, you'd love to hear el34 vs kt88 clips and I've honestly thought about recording some, but I just couldn't wait any longer to drop the kt88 in it, so my description will have to do....but believe me, it's very accurate ;)
this amp is really tight even w/o a TS now...and BIIIIIIIG :)

Yes !!!! , a uberschall thread at last.

I am also a proud and loving uberschall owner and I am very interested in your discovery
but I insist on clips. Please post a DI for reamping ( or I can suggest one ) so we can
compare yours against my stock Uberschall.
Dude, I know I would really appreciate clips, I still have yet to hear anyone make any that truly demonstrate a difference in sound between different types of power tubes! It's not like the EL-34's can never go back in now that they've come out ;) (unless you went through the trouble to exactly bias it to the KT88's :cry: )
Dude, I know I would really appreciate clips, I still have yet to hear anyone make any that truly demonstrate a difference in sound between different types of power tubes! It's not like the EL-34's can never go back in now that they've come out ;) (unless you went through the trouble to exactly bias it to the KT88's :cry: )

I had to change one resistor to get the bias into the proper range for the kt88.

COULD be undone relatively easy though, but still too much hassle for this comparison (just don't have the time atm).....take the chassis out of the headshell, change resistor, bias....etc and than the other way round again...sorry, can't be arsed atm :)
Can I suggest the last part of the guitar tone competition, you know the half time section,
that section really rocks thru an uberschall. ( woops I gave away my secrets ).

I will reamp thru a Mesa 2x12 rectifier cab with a SM57, if you do the same we can compare.
I have experimented with different pedals in front of the Uberschall
and have found that the fulltone OCD seems to give the best sound.
I dont think my rev blue sounds as good as the rev2 but I think the
OCD gets it closer to that sound, what do you think, anyone ?

rev blue


I just think the settings have to be changed on the blue to match it more to the Rev2, it's a bit fizzy and too gainy

I actually like both clips without the TS better than the ones with TS (also for the REV2)