lack of shows....


Sep 30, 2005
is it me or is there a lack of tours this fall / winter so far. I remember the past few years where I was turning down shows because there was so many. Even local shows...not any good ones.

I have nothing until next year so far.
Yep, I've noticed the same thing down here. The only interesting shows for me up through the end of the year are Morbid Angel/Grave, Napalm Death/Speedwolf, and Raven. We are getting Kreator but no Accept so no care. Dunno what's up. At least the first half of the year was spectacular.
we are getting Kreator and Accept but I have seen Kreator enough for a lifetime. It is just odd since every fall and spring it seems I am skipping so many because there are so many tours hitting.

We are also getting the Primordial / While Heaven Wept show but I am working that night.
I was planning on seeing Accept/Kreator tonight but the $30 ticket and $15 parking cost changed my mind, especially when I need all my pennies for ProgPower next week. Primordial/WHW is here the night I leave for PPUSA, so that's out too.
even with local shows...nothing. Usually there is something good at Red Line Tap. So far nothing. I dont mind the extra free time but it stinks not looking forward to a good show.

I know October 31st was looking in November for a show.
I have a lot of shows lined up, but for the most part they are in the classic rock vein like ZZ Top, Neil Young, UFO, Uriah Heep and MSG. The metal shows I'm going to are the primordial/While heaven wept, devin townsend/katatonia and the septic flesh show.
it is so odd you like Spetic Flesh.

Why? I'm pretty diverse in terms of the metal bands I like. In fact, I would be hard pressed to tell you my favorite subgenre. Anyways, I've actually seen them once before already. My main main interest for that show actually is Melechesh...not a band I ever thought would ever make it over here.
Why? I'm pretty diverse in terms of the metal bands I like. In fact, I would be hard pressed to tell you my favorite subgenre. Anyways, I've actually seen them once before already. My main main interest for that show actually is Melechesh...not a band I ever thought would ever make it over here.

I wish that tour were coming here. I'd love to see Melechesh.
Yeah, I was going to say, it's very rare I even see Simon talk about power metal.

Anyhow, I saw in the Illinois Entertainer (You know, that one publication where people advertise their shows) that MACABRE have a show coming up at Cobra Lounge. Man, that would be a lot of fun.
Yeah, I was going to say, it's very rare I even see Simon talk about power metal.

Anyhow, I saw in the Illinois Entertainer (You know, that one publication where people advertise their shows) that MACABRE have a show coming up at Cobra Lounge. Man, that would be a lot of fun.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. ouch.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. ouch.

Sorry I wasn't so subtle on that one......

I can tell you that I know many people who will only hear about this fest if they see it in print. Not many people, esp older metalheads in Chicago who still go to one or two shows a year, will know about this from Facebook or a forum. I know it isn't cheap, but print advertising dollars could go farther for the fest than $$$ spend on an undercard band (given the number of local or midwest bands that would possibly play for free and even be able to bring in some folks).
Yeah, I was going to say, it's very rare I even see Simon talk about power metal.

Yeah I mean I like power metal, but it's not like it's the overwhelming majority of what I listen to. I'm guessing Bob made that statement since he and you for that matter, met me via the Progpower forum.
Wintersun is coming to the US for the first time in December. I might go to that, depending on if their new album sucks or not. Also on the bill are Eluvietie and Varg. A band, not the guy from Burzum.