Lacuna Coil


May 24, 2004
Fairfax, Va
Ok, I believe that Lacuna Coil has been around longer than Evanescence, but they seem to be getting a lot more airtime on mtv, and they are touring with POD or recently just did. Seems like a lot of people are comparing them to Evanescence, which I dont agree with because they are older so they should be the one to compare to, and I still believe they are a better band musically and the singer is better. What do you guys think? Im sorta starting to think they are more like Evanescence now, would you guys agree or disagree.
Hobo11 said:
Ok, I believe that Lacuna Coil has been around longer than Evanescence, but they seem to be getting a lot more airtime on mtv, and they are touring with POD or recently just did. Seems like a lot of people are comparing them to Evanescence, which I dont agree with because they are older so they should be the one to compare to, and I still believe they are a better band musically and the singer is better. What do you guys think? Im sorta starting to think they are more like Evanescence now, would you guys agree or disagree.

Yes Lacuna Coil has been around longer, and is better. However, both bands tend to be a bit repetetive. Evanescence is just slightly worse though since if I remember correctly their entire album was in the same key. At least every song I heard was. Lacuna Coil tends to re-use the same melodies as well, just not as often. One thing they've got going for them is that the two singers seem to work quite well together opposed to evanescence which shouldn't have two singers period. I don't know, polarity summed it up in one sentence, why didn't I?
i saw lacuna coil live..but i don't like them anymore because i grew out of that now i think their music sucks and i really dont like goth rock or goth metal..unless its moonspell
Lacuna Coil is riding the wave of Evanescence's success in the mainstream; it doesn't matter that LC has been around longer, and may be better musically (although, in comparison to Evanescence, this is no feather in anyone's cap), the record companies are merely looking to capitalize on the new novelty/trend of "nu-metal bands + female vocalists = more sales". Since Evanescence got more recognition in this category first, everything that follows will invariably be compared to their sound.

To hell with the both of them. There are much better bands to listen to than this generic garbage.
I like Lacuna Coil... they are a fun band to listen to when im not feeling like anything heavy or progressive... but they are nothing like Evanescence other than the fact that they both have a chick vocalist
I like LC and have for some time now. Although definately not my favorite band, they have at least a few excellent songs on each of their albums and I break them out every now and again. I do not like Evanescence and feel bad for LC that they have not made it as big. LC will never be an elitist band so you may as well enjoy them for what they are.
Christina Scabbia is hot,fine and sexy as FAWK. She sounds great to, what is better than the entire package.
Lacuna Coil is fucking awesome. Unless your a 14 yr old elitist fuck who's whole identity is based on listening to shitty obscure bands for the sole purpose of individualism. Then LC is not for you.

Oh I almost forgot. You will also not like them if your a 20 something sexually frustrated limbeck who's acne scars are a roadmap for your own stupidity. If this is the case. Then stay far far away from this band.
haha, I must say the singer is quite hot. I agree with your replies though, I think Lacuna Coil has good music, not great, but good, better instrumentality by far than Evanescence. They are definitely gonna gain popularity now that they have a similar sound to Evanescence. They arent the best, but certainly still decent. I just wish MTV would get their act straight and realize that Lacuna Coil has been around longer and is prolly a better band. Also, I wonder what people would think if they heard Nightwish...
Whilst lacuna coil arent the best band in the world, i do enjoy them from time to time, i mostly enjoy their albums "in a reverie" and "unleashed memories". Evanescence are more than just quite bad, they're utterly fucking bowel loosenly appauling. Their singer......well she cant sing at all, period. They have no grasp of musical instruments but they're a great marketing device and the reason why LC are getting big is because of them. All these fucktards who listen to Evanescence fail to realise that LC have been doing it for years longer and 10 times better. No LC are not TR00 KVLT or underground but who gives a fuck? they're a good band to enjoy