Anyone like Lacuna Coil??!?

Lacuna and The Gathering are not even close to similar other than they both have female vokilists. Might as well throw Nightwish and After Forever into this whole let's compare everyone crap. Shit, why not compare LC to Shania. With that being said I like The Gathering better than any of the bands I just posted, especially their newer stuff. And I also like Evanesence. I guess that makes me an idiot who knows nothing about music though. Damn, too bad I can enjoy music that doesn't necessarily have to be ultra complicated and technical. Sorry.
I like them very much and have for a couple years now. I find them a welcome change of pace for when I'm feeling a bit more mellow and melancholy. I do prefer their older stuff a bit more but they are good overall. I will see then next Friday for the second time. They are playing with Type O. I very much look forward to hearing them play live again.
ive only got comalies, i quite enjoyed the album to be honest. I do agree that cristina could stretch her vocals more as im sure he has the capability to do it. But yeah, they're a good band in my view
You know what I hate? I hate it when people try to stop you from saying a negative opinion about a band they like on a discussion forum. I'm sorry, Vile Mistress, but you are incredibly weak-willed if what I have to say about a ludicrously trite band actually offends you. Sorry, but why would I listen to something mediocre when I could listen to something good?
I could honestly careless if you dislike the band. Thats your opinion and thats what the forums are for. To voice your opinion. So heres mine: Personally i love them to death. I've seen them 15 times in the past year and they are truely amazing people. Great friends and a great band. They are one of the few bands that i've seen perform live and you can not only see the emotion in them as they perform but you can feel it yourself. For those of you that do actually love lacuna coil i have tons and tons of pictures from almost all the shows i've been to and i have five or six more shows comming up. Just click on the WWW down bottom for my site to check out my pictures. For those of you who don't like lacuna coil and are in here just voicing your opinion check out my site too. I might have pictures of a band you like.
I'm close-minded? Bwahaha. Explain that to me. I said that I like The Gathering, and they are a lot less metal than Lacuna Coil, especially these days. No, I just don't like mediocre music because good music is so much better to me. Why should I listen to dull and trite music with a gimmick in their singer when I could hear music tailored to that style of singing that is both original and features stronger song-writing? Hell, even Evanescence are better than Lacuna Coil.
i agree with Luminous, Lacuna Coil are very bland to me, i guess i just dont see what every1 finds so great about them. i think the gathering were a little better in their older days, the new stuff kind of bothers me but i havent heard too much of it. i dont know about evanescence being better than lacuna coil though...