Ladies and Gentlemen of the NeverBoard!

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
You read it correctly! Maharet is starting the "What Would Warrel Do?" campaign on the upcoming headlining tour! I was just discussing this with Bill (Distorted Mind bassist), and he came up with a clever name for us!

MeRcYSeVeRiTy113: we could call our group....
MeRcYSeVeRiTy113: the...
MeRcYSeVeRiTy113: Womb Broom Typhoon
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: hahahahahaah
MeRcYSeVeRiTy113: hahahaha
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: yes!
MeRcYSeVeRiTy113: that would rule

Once more, you read it correctly! We are the Womb Broom Typhoon!!!! Sign up here, and prepare to get SWEPT AWAY!!!
remember how everyone jumped at the idea of Fruit of the Loomis? made shirts, buttons, magnets, fliers (which warrel laughed at in Asbury Park hehehe)??? same idea here! only, it will be planned and at the most shows we can get it to
well...Womb Broom Typhoon..i like it! that along side with WWWD would be pretty fucking funny and in of course!! so....give me the images and stuff and ill work my magic! :)