Lamb of God studio cam

This sick, just chatting up with Chris Adler at the minute
So awesome haha
there's a guy in the chat pretending to be Andy Sneap right now..

he just said;
"your an ass pirate"
"You just got called an ass pirate,.. by Andy Sneap"


"are you insulting my intelegance?".

I honestly don't believe that Andy Sneap [if he's in the UK atm] is up at 00:56 on a Lamb Of God chat room slagging people off.
Plus, Andy doesn't come on here for long periods at a time.. Don't see why he'd waste hours listening to a drummer tracking a record he's got nothing to do with (..yet?..) and slagging people off in a forum.

He's got better stuff to be doing, ..

like making gold records ;)

[/ cowbell sketch]