Lamb of God

1.) Matthauz, your avatar rules. 2.) I used to like LoG, but then i found out that they fall under the stererotype that all metal sounds alike. You've heard one LoG song, you've heard them all. 3.) Atheist owns your soul.
I remember hearing about this band Lamb of God, and then hearing a song on tv by them. I went and bought New American Gospel (that or As the Palaces Burn). I wasn't too impressed, sounded too generic to me, I ended up giving it away.
I haven't heard Obituary, but Atheist kicks ass.
If you like Atheist, check out Gnostic. It has the drummer from Atheist or something.
I don't think a band can be 'too' big. Yeah, so Metallica fucked up big time. But they still gave us 3-5 classic albums (dependant on your viewpoint). Most bands don't deliver 3-5 actual classics, so it's understandable that they kinda burned out...
bloodlust rampant said:
Atheist owns your soul.

Atheist most certainly does own everyone's soul. I wish I could go to Wacken and see them as that would be absolutely amazing. Althugh a lack of funds means I'm just going to have to hope and pray that they decide to do some shows in the U.S within driving distance of Philadelphia (i.e new York) or in Philadelphia.

As for Lamb of God, I like them. I just don't listen to them that often because there is a lot of better music out there.
BastardSonOfGod said:
I like Lamb Of God... But... God????... why don't Lamb Of Opeth

Agreed. Although, shouldn't your username then be BastardSonOfAkerfeldt?

As for the progressing argument on mainstream bands and the quality of their music, it all depends on the stubbornness of the band. Most of the time, when a band makes a killing in their targeted audience, their record label will want them to change their sound to target a larger audience, and therefore bring more money to the record company. This is usually done by series of lucrative offers. Read: Money, Cars and Good Hookers.

Very few bands do not succumb to this, because they like Money, Cars and Good Hookers. They made their mark, and shall retire in the pseudo-heaven of many women selling their bodies for the money that you have. This is the life cycle of almost every washed out pop star who disappeared from the pop culture map after their hit single. That is, unless they decide to make a comeback :yuk: I have a twenty dollar bill that says Britney Spears's kid is a test-tube baby - she probably became infertile long ago due to symptoms of overfucking.

Bands that resist the aforementioned "lucrative offers" keep making good music, and keep making good money. Slayer and Iron Maiden are good examples of this. Again, this leads into my furious rants about timeless and revolutionary music, but I am far too tired. You are spared, for now.
I like some of their stuff...some of the lyrics are sweet. The drumming I find creative and different to listen to oftentimes.

Yeah Atheist fan here too.
Liquid Diamonds said:
Eloquent as ever I see, Grim :)

As always. You can tell if someone has hacked my account if the grammar drops below normal.

SacredReich said:
I like some of their stuff...some of the lyrics are sweet. The drumming I find creative and different to listen to oftentimes.

Yeah Atheist fan here too.

Atheist owns the souls of the metal world. They keep them in a large, metal jar covered in leather with spikes protruding from every possible angle, and make regular soul sacrifices to Satan. I've seen it.

The Grim Progeny of the Dusk said:
Atheist owns the souls of the metal world. They keep them in a large, metal jar covered in leather with spikes protruding from every possible angle, and make regular soul sacrifices to Satan. I've seen it.

That's why we love 'em.:hotjump: