Laney GH100TI


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
just got this head for my studio (don't own it (yet), just keep it for an unlimited period time).
I think it's really nice, I've not tested it much, just a quick 5 mins test w and w/o Tubescreamer, and my first impression is that it records REALLY nicely.

it gives a nice new flavor (compared to my usual Krank, Recto, peavey-setup), it's got more gain than anyone could need but a very unique (laney-) sound to it.
very thick and saturated!
probably not the tightest or most defined amp I've ever heard, but definitely really good sounding for some stuff.

dunno how to describe it, the first word that come to my mind are

I'll do some testrecordings tomorrow and will post some clips then as well

I'm exited, I think for the price this might really be a nice amp for some of you guys!
I really would like to hear some clips, as I`m thinking about buying a Laney for a while now. I also would be interested in what you have to say about the lead sound characteristics (found, some Laney users have a very well defined lead sound)
sounds nice........ sounds very close with the gh100L i wish i could krank my laney:cry:
Wow, now I know what amp il get. :D
It reminds me of my Ampeg VL-1002 but more "modern"(Im talking about the fuzz/growlyness of the amp.).
hey guys , i am new here ... in fact , this is my first post.

i have had my GH100TI for several years and i love it.
my question is why would you stick a Tube Screamer or any other pedal in front of this amp ?

i am running a set of Ruby EL34 in mine and it just SCREAMS .
the sustain is thick , singing , and hot like molten lava.
the gain is tight and focused ... and crunchy as can be.

i have found no need for a pedal to drive the amp.

why do you use one ?
i use a ts only if i play bedroom levels....if you krank the volume your right theres no need for a ts
I owned this amp 4 years, it is a very good amp, with a lot of gain , a specific sound , but on recordind it needs to be kranked up very hi, and it s incredible loud :p. It is also a very well built amp, never had a problem with mine.It s not like the GH100L , it is a total different animal !
Here is a song that i recorded for a local band last year. R Guitars are tracked with the Laney 100 TI. not much processing, it was recorded with my Laney TT cab equiped with V30 s , miced with SM 57 close center, and AKG c2000b aprox 15 cm from the grill,on the guitar buss i used C4 and PSP wintage warmer , guitars where Schecter with EMG 81, no boost was used.
I have more songs with other bands recorded with this amp but i have to search after :p mix with Laney TI.mp3
I'd love to hear more samples of this amp. I've got a Laney VH100R and I fucking love it. Never used the Iommi amp though. Here's a sample of my VH100R (quite an old sample now, but it still sounds good)

Well, this is all bridge position, full volume. I used a Laney VH100R into a JCM900 1936 2x12 cab, mic'd up. The first tone is a crunchy tone from channel A, with the drive engaged. The rest is all channel B with the drive engaged.
I remember playing one at a store once, at decently loud levels. The only thing I remember is that on this day, I played an LTD KH-202 with EMG HZ pickups through it and an ESP Viper with EMG 81/85 set in it. Through the TI, the KH202 was muffled and dark and not very gainy/saturated. I had to dime the gain knob to get a reasonable amount of gain. I then plugged in the Viper with the 81 and the amp was a completely different animal. I would have never guessed there was such a DRASTIC difference between the HZ H4's and an 81, but the difference was not subtle. With the EMG's, the amp was killer.

I ended up buying the KH202, though, as the store was going out of business and I got it for 180 bucks...Wish I had sprung for the 100TI, as it was selling brand new for 699 since the store was closing.
Here it is a solo sound of the Laney 100TI, sorry for the bad sound quality it was recorded with the webcam and with my BOSS processor in the effect loop for rev and dly, the cabinet was the TI version Celestion seventy 80 speakers, but with the V30 sounds better in my opinion .

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