Laney IRT Ironheart Studio thoughts?


Prettiest Hair Around
Oct 31, 2006
Has anyone here played the Laney Ironheart amps? I'm considering getting the studio rackmount version. The features are pretty awesome and would be perfect for my needs. What do you think of the tones? How good is it for modern metal? I was considering that or another small low watt amp like the Dark Terror. The Ironheart studio is 100 dollars cheaper and has wwwaayyy more features though.
seems really cool and the features are perfect for me. Seems like it can do prog tones well. I'm just wondering about more extreme metal tones. The tones I have heard I've liked though. I'll probably eventually get it once I get more money.
I have a 120, I mostly keep it around for using with my band at rehearsals/as a backup. It can't get interesting upper harmonics like you can get out of something higher quality like a Recto for example, it always sounds a bit duller up there and less 3d for lack of a better term. It has some kind of plastic-y nature to the tone that is a little weird, doesn't sound great to me in isolation (just IMO) but I've found it to work well for me in a band situation or when double tracked in a recording. The main plus points for my use are: quick to dial in, and not too picky with cabs (good for cab share situations). A guy here posted a comparison with a 6505 and a Hesu recently, I felt like it was a good representation of the Ironheart head as I know it. Cuts pretty well, pretty bitey, and quite dry. IMO it has enough gain but benefits from a tubescreamer to give some more saturation. Definitely its own sound but not for everyone. If you like the clips you're hearing you'll probably love it.

I haven't played the studio but on paper it looks like a cool product feature wise. I think Fred Brum is/was using one of these, same for Chimp Spanner.
I've been considering this for a long time and it would be my next major purchase if there was funds available. I think that although people are right to point out that it will sound inferior to more expensive amps, it's only £400 and for that you get a lot for your money and it's a home recording dream. The important thing to consider in so far as home recording, will it sound £400 better than Le Pou or the TSE et al plugins?
I've been considering this for a long time and it would be my next major purchase if there was funds available. I think that although people are right to point out that it will sound inferior to more expensive amps, it's only £400 and for that you get a lot for your money and it's a home recording dream. The important thing to consider in so far as home recording, will it sound £400 better than Le Pou or the TSE et al plugins?

I wasn't a big fan of the tones gotten on those demos, but the unit does seem like it offers a very good value for the price when you consider what you're getting.

It would be interesting to hear how the Laney pres sound in relation to those on a higher end interface.
man the more tone tests I hear and the fact that I just found out Killswitch used it on their last album makes me really gas for it!
Really? Do you remember where you found that?
Andy definitely said it was the Fuchs, with some of his own kemper profiles here and there where Adam's re-amps didn't fit too well.
Here is a quote from the interview

"Joel and Adam, which amps did you guys use for this album?
Stroetzel: For the record, it was mainly a mix of a Laney Ironheart and a Fuchs Viper, which I think is called the Mantis now. The Fuchs sounds big and round and bubbly—like a warmer-sounding Rectifier—while the Laney has more of that Marshall-style cutting quality, where the palm-muting has some crack to it. The Ironhearts have a good, tight, focused sound, and all the notes jump out nice and clear. "

Here is a link to the full interview.
I wasn't a big fan of the tones gotten on those demos, but the unit does seem like it offers a very good value for the price when you consider what you're getting.

It would be interesting to hear how the Laney pres sound in relation to those on a higher end interface.

... Or the entry level ones such as on a UX2 which I have at the moment. In some ways buying one of these could kill two birds with one stone seeing as I have also been looking at a new interface with better pres than what I have now.

All in all I don't think anyone can question the value for money/bang for your buck of this unit.