last album purchased/downloaded thread (formerly shitting the CoB forum)

My friend is getting me some Ambient Electronic stuff hes sending me, and My friend lent me Tangerine Dream's Tangram.
Lat album I bought was probably Kataklysm In The Arms of Devestation, and Weather Report's Heavy Weather, downloaded was probbaly some Burzum and Jurrasic 5 :p
I remember I was a kid, maybe 5 years old, I was just chilling out probably playing with my gundam action figures or whatever and there was an epic car crash right outside of my house, so my mom invited the people in the crashed minivan to stay at our place for a few hours while they got their shit back in gear and she put on Lion King for the kids that were in the van, so I chilled out with some random stranger kids watching that movie right after they were in an accident :lol:

Just a random memory that popped up while reading this thread.
and who tf is bleeding_me?

like you