Last Album You Listened to in Full?

I honestly hate the fucking song with a passion, and Megadeth's cover didn't help. :lol: In my opinion, Megadeth covers aren't very good...... These Boots and I Ain't Superstitious aren't good either.... :erk:

Yeah, These Boots ain't great is it. I always put it down to it being on their first album - there's a certiain sloppyness that used to come with debuts as there was never the money to spend on getting shit right. These days the money's there but half the bands are shit anyway so the first album is still sloppy. The difference is, now all the subsequent ones are too :lol:

Should be getting my optical drive today :D My next 30 or 40 posts are going to pretty much be a list of all the music I own, in alphabetical order by artist.
I actually...... don't like Killing is My Business all that much. o_O
Sorry. :lol:

I need a new cd player dammit! Our laptop is screwed now too, so I'm in the same boat you were. :lol: :(
I liked most of the songs, but the poor production kinda ruined it for me. To a much lesser extent, I have the same issue with Kill 'Em All, and newer Megadeth albums are ace, so I gave Dave the benefit of the doubt :lol:

Oh yeah, if you're getting a new music player, I'd definately recommend an ipod and docking station, if you can find one that sounds good at a decent price.
I actually...... don't like Killing is My Business all that much. o_O
Sorry. :lol:

I don't like it either, these boots is the only song i really listen to on it and thats not very often, mainly because of the terrible quality.

Also why is loads of old stuff tuned down 1/4 step? Like Pantera stuff, Annihilator, Killing is my business.
I don't like it either, these boots is the only song i really listen to on it and thats not very often, mainly because of the terrible quality.

Also why is loads of old stuff tuned down 1/4 step? Like Pantera stuff, Annihilator, Killing is my business.

Yeah man, that always irritated the tits off me. Best guess is either they've tuned by ear, or they don't want people to steal their riffs so they do it on purpose to throw them off a bit.
Metallica - Master of Puppets
Metal Hammer December Dimebag tribute cover CD
Faith No More - King For A Day, Fool For A Lifetime

Edit: P.S. Got my motherfuckin' optical drive! Woo!
No where near the best "Gorgoroth" (or the mockery shambling under their good name ;D) material

Pest is a far superior vocalist than Gaahl could hope to be. It's the best thing they've done since Under The Sign of Hell, which surprise, also had Pest on vocals.

Infernus started the band. Gaahl and King ov Hell had no business trying to take the band name from Infernus. Good riddance to both of them. Now Gaahl can focus on his bullshit fashion line.
Pest is a far superior vocalist than Gaahl could hope to be. It's the best thing they've done since Under The Sign of Hell, which surprise, also had Pest on vocals.

Infernus started the band. Gaahl and King ov Hell had no business trying to take the band name from Infernus. Good riddance to both of them. Now Gaahl can focus on his bullshit fashion line.

Meh, each to their own. It's all bullshit nowadays. I prefer the older Gorgoroth stuff.
Pest is a far superior vocalist than Gaahl could hope to be. It's the best thing they've done since Under The Sign of Hell, which surprise, also had Pest on vocals.

Infernus started the band. Gaahl and King ov Hell had no business trying to take the band name from Infernus. Good riddance to both of them. Now Gaahl can focus on his bullshit fashion line.

I wonder what their real names are... I bet one of them's called Clyde!