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Hmmmm I wonder who's going to combo break this one... Oh right, too late


Just stuck this on for the first time in years! Trucker metal!
Trust me, wouldn't dream of it. Never understood why people don't like Load and Reload. The Unforgiven II is a bit cheesy, but otherwise they're perfectly ace albums. 2x4 was definately written for people with more beard than face and more belly than tshirt though.
That's the thing though, it's fucking brilliant. Got a kick ass dirty sound to it. I guess songs like Hero Of The Day aren't really best for fanatical metalheads, but the heavier ones easily counter that.
Load is a great album. The Outlaw Torn is just epic. ReLoad has its moments too. Where The Wild Things Are, Carpe Diem Baby, Devil's Dance - all great songs.

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Still amazed by this album, absolutely flawless. I'm really interested to see what Mastodon will do with the next one.