Last Album You Listened to in Full?

thrasherdave said:

This. Bloody astounding. Gets better every time, and I've heard it a shitload of times. Really looking forward to seeing some live footage of the songs! Wish I could see them live, but it's not a possibility. :(

I'm giving this a listen because I've read a few times that it's some kind of underground classic, but Holy Hell are the vocals annoying... really severely irritating!

Not to mention that is one of the shittiest band names and ugliest album covers I've ever laid eyes on.

Baroness - Red Album:

The Sword - Age of Winters
Dio - Holy Diver
Death - Individual Thought Patterns (Whilst playing MW2, wasn't really paying attention to it lol)
Death - Individual Thought Patterns (again lol. Its awesome!) :kickass:
Just had this 'un on :

Overkill for me are just like Motorhead, you know what to expect, good solid metal, and every third or fourth album has that extra bit of inspiration and quality - this is one of those.

Just stuck this old favourite on:
