Last Album You Listened to in Full?

Almost done with Holy Diver again.
Why the fuck did I not buy this album before!?!?!
Its legendary. I LOVE the drum fills. Stand Up and Shout and Don't Talk to Strangers are amazing, as are Holy Diver and Rainbow in the Dark. (which I've heard beore).
I had orange hair (red hair faded baaaaadly) so I actually suit Copper haha.

So, you dyed your hair ginger? Man, you really are proud of your Scottish roots :lol:


Can't remember if we've had this one before, but the guy at the top (I can't even remember who was in the band when that album was made, let alone who's who by face) looks like Riker from Star Trek TNG :lol:
No I did not! It was bright red, like postbox red and my hair fades in the sun, so it was a kinda coppery colour. I WAS AWESOME OKAY?! Hahaha.

Hopefully the biggest image in this thread yet...

<massive picture>

That's about a third bigger than the last. I was trying to find a gigantic one of ReLoad but there aren't any. The bar has been set people.

Every time something about this is posted I keep thinking about this:

Also, Riker was fucking excellent in Anthrax! But much better after he grew the beard.