Last Album You Listened to in Full?

Been listening to half albums alot lately.... although that'll change when I get my new ones later this week! :D

I have to admit I was one of the death metal fans who dismissed this band as pure deathcore shit when I first heard them. I streamed the new album from their myspace though and I have to say it's pretty good, nothing special but a hell of a lot better than their first album. They've even changed their logo, for the better...

I have to admit I was one of the death metal fans who dismissed this band as pure deathcore shit when I first heard them. I streamed the new album from their myspace though and I have to say it's pretty good, nothing special but a hell of a lot better than their first album. They've even changed their logo, for the better...

That is, hands down, the scariest vagina I've ever seen. How did they get so close to Vanessa Feltz for that picture without getting eaten?
Yeah, same. Job For a Cowboy drastically altered their sound on their latest album too... Still, I think Annotations' is the best out of the three bands new ones. Erik Rutan does guest vocals on it, and he doesn't associate himself with shit.