Last Album You Listened to in Full?


Has anyone else ever heard of this man? He's ridiculous. One of the best guitarists I've ever heard.

EDIT : Dear god that picture was big. :lol: My apologies!
But, but... Arrogance in Uniform and Hate Fire Blood were in Death Cult.

Ill look'em up, though. There is no such thing as "too much Coroner". :D

FALSE.They were on the bootleg :p /nerdiness

Last I listened too from start to finished was Hellbastard's "Sons of Bitches" about six or seven times. Everyone buy it, it's amazing.
This Will Destroy You - This Will Destroy You
... Of Sinking Ships - ... Of Sinking Ships
blink-182 - Dogs Eating Dogs EP
El Ten Eleven - El Ten Eleven
Lost in the Riots - Stranger in the Alps

This album should be called "Solos surrounded by whatever".


Worst piece of gargling shitting wank my ear has ever been penetrated by.