Last Album You Listened to in Full?

Death Angel - Relentless Retribution
Sepultura - Beneath the Remains
Vendetta - Brain Damage
Overkill - Feel the Fire

I was in a thrash mood.

Any of other fans of Witchery? I like these guys, but I find them to be hit and miss. The title track, From Dead to Worse, the Reaver, One foot in the Grave and Witch Hunter are all fun listens. The other songs, not so much.
I've not heard that one, the first too are pretty good from what I remember...


VERY surprised in a good way) to see Death In Action and Antagonist here, wow! Been a loooooooooooong time...

Don't be so surprised man! Me and I-TEND-TO-DIE are all about finding these lost gems :zombie:

To be honest I nick his all the time ha, will check that Entropy out at some point ;)