Last Album You Listened to in Full?

The only one on your list I am familiar with is Hour of Penance. I like the new one, but thought it was a step down compared to their last few albums.

Well, that was the first HoP record I've listened to and I enjoyed it quite a bit so I guess I have some catching up to do!


You'll enjoy it, I think. :D



Ensiferum is (are?) fucking awesome.
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Yeah, this sounds pretty good man! I'll have to listen to the album in full sometime. And Ensiferum are fucking awesome, although I will always prefer their first two albums with Jari, and the Dragonheads EP - their later stuff has its moments though, especially Victory Songs :)



EDIT: This is quite possibly the gayest most fanboy thing I have ever said anywhere on the internet, ever. And it's totally random, but I wish I was Alexi. :lol:
Yeah, I've been listening to them all day. Ensiferum, I mean. Not Children of Bodom. :lol: The first album and From Afar are my favorites so far. Haven't heard their newest one yet, or that EP you just mentioned.
The EP is excellent Keenan, definitely check it out. I wasn't massively keen on Unsung Heroes, apart from the title track which I love (it's so catchy!).

P.S. Don't laugh at me for liking Bodom :(