Last Album You Listened to in Full?


After all the years of listening to this I still think it crushes, kills, and destroys EVERYTHING. Yes, EVERYTHING.

It has a permanent firm position among my favourite albums ever. I fear that if they ever decide to play this live in its entirety, and I have the pleasure of witnessing it I think my head will completely detached itself from my body before the fourth track ends, which would be a shame as I wouldn't get to hear my favourite song on the album...
Yeah, you guys really should. While the early albums are great (especially Realm of Chaos) I'd recommend listening to the last three first (Mercenary, Honour - Valour - Pride and Those Once Loyal)
Bolt Thrower is good, but I have honestly never gotten all the hype about them.
I've always preferred Immolation and Vader.:kickass:

That's how I feel about Immolation and (to an extent) Vader... I've always preferred Asphyx to those two! :loco: Apples and oranges, eh :)

