Last Album You Listened to in Full?

Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Black Sabbath - Master of Reality (lol same as the guy a few posts up)
Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Ozzy Osbourne - Bark at the Moon
Black Sabbath Technical Ecstacy
Lamb of God - Wrath
ahh shit, i can never decide... at the minute for me breeding death is fucking perfection, i learned funeral furnace on guitar today and want to cover it for college but my team mate is sceptical about it. it depends on my mood really :D how about you?

It's difficult because I enjoy all their releases... Breeding Death IS awesome, but if I had to pick my favourite it'd have to be a full-length. Which rules out Unblessing the Purity... You know what? I'm going to go for The Wacken Carnage. It's the best live album I have ever heard, the song selection is almost as perfect as the performances and I always preferred Akerfeldt's vocals to Tägtgren's. Though I have to say Nightmares Made Flesh is a great album.

Man, I think it's quite clear we could fill a whole thread on Bloodbath :lol: :kickass:
It's difficult because I enjoy all their releases... Breeding Death IS awesome, but if I had to pick my favourite it'd have to be a full-length. Which rules out Unblessing the Purity... You know what? I'm going to go for The Wacken Carnage. It's the best live album I have ever heard, the song selection is almost as perfect as the performances and I always preferred Akerfeldt's vocals to Tägtgren's. Though I have to say Nightmares Made Flesh is a great album.

Man, I think it's quite clear we could fill a whole thread on Bloodbath :lol: :kickass:

haha yeah your exaclty right, and akerfeldts voice is bloody amazing :D just hope i can see them someday. :kickass:
I couldn't hear fuck all for the Fireworks that have been going off all fuckin night

But sadly it was SLAYER's World Painted Blood

I need to listen to Pink Floyd's Divisonal Bell now