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Thats a fucking awesome album cover.

Cant wait for Beehler's 2010 european tour. I have high hopes for them coming to Finland as they cancelled 4 dates here when Hirax pulled off the tour.
meh. gratuitous anti-christianity is tasteless.


Diddy... have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior? It's not too late! for there is no one so bad that they are beyond the reaches of God's grace, and no one so good that they are beyond the need of it. will you ask Jesus Christ to redeam you of all of your sins and transgressions that you have comited, are comitting or will comit in the future by no merit of your own? come on brother! join us on the other side! this train's bound for glory!
Diddy... have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior? It's not too late! for there is no one so bad that they are beyond the reaches of God's grace, and no one so good that they are beyond the need of it. will you ask Jesus Christ to redeam you of all of your sins and transgressions that you have comited, are comitting or will comit in the future by no merit of your own? come on brother! join us on the other side! this train's bound for glory!




i hate all religions... ALOT.

Diddy... have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior? It's not too late! for there is no one so bad that they are beyond the reaches of God's grace, and no one so good that they are beyond the need of it. will you ask Jesus Christ to redeam you of all of your sins and transgressions that you have comited, are comitting or will comit in the future by no merit of your own? come on brother! join us on the other side! this train's bound for glory!

I'm not sure which side to take here.

Evile - Infected Nations

@ oscelot, well it's a fairly accurate description of christianity's major tenants. albeit presented in the most irritating and nausia inspiring way that I could come up with. even when I hear it like that i want to kick a bible thumper.

and while the demotivational is funny, christianity doesn't say any of that. televangelists do, but christianity doesn't.
haha, are you religious zehm?

it depends on what you mean by religious. Do I think that if I'm good enough and keep all of the rules then God will keep me out of hell? hell no. but I do think there is a God, and I'm damned sure that the only way I'll get to experience paradise is if he just decides to ignore the past 20 years, of my bullshit and then decides to let me off the hook for the nect 60+ years, assuming that I live that long.
I'm a Deist. God made the universe through evolution and the big bang and all that wonderful stuff, then left us on this earth. The only real way you can go to hell is if you take pleasure in hurting your fellow man. None of us are perfect, and bad stuff happens so we know the difference between right and wrong, and it's a test to see what we'll do when bad shit happens, to see if we resort to evil to make us feel better, or if we'll better ourselves by not succumbing to our own nature. I don't take the bible literally in the least bit, but it's a great metaphor.

All religions (yes, all of them) have good and bad teachings, to simply dismiss them for being religious is ignorant.