Last Album You Listened to in Full?


Cant wait for Beehler's 2010 european tour. I have high hopes for them coming to Finland as they cancelled 4 dates here when Hirax pulled off the tour.

Exciter are underrated as fuck.
Thank ye muchly indeed. Just reppin' da tr00f.

Best thing Michael Jackson ever did :lol:
Great album, I was asking for it at the local record store but they didnt have it but and they couldnt order it.I should ask again if there is any improvement to the sitsuation.
Best thing Michael Jackson ever did :lol:
Great album, I was asking for it at the local record store but they didnt have it but and they couldnt order it.I should ask again if there is any improvement to the sitsuation.

Waste of your time, is so rare these days. As far as I'm aware it eve got reissued andthe cheapes copy I've seen is about £50 - chec around online though.


Cynic - Focus

It has 3 Portal songs at the end of it as bonus tracks. NEED MORE PORTAL. (not that stupid ass game) :p

Cynic - Focus

It has 3 Portal songs at the end of it as bonus tracks. NEED MORE PORTAL. (not that stupid ass game) :p

That game rocks! Mike Patton is the voice of the mental piece of computer at the end :D
Meh, it's ok. Glad I was never into Linkin Park, else it might have been them instead. I still listen to, on occasion, every band I've ever been into at any point. Except Blink 182, they are so bad that I actually can't stand them to the point where I won't let any of their "songs" be played on my guitars by anybody for any reason because I have too much respect for said guitars.
