Last Album You Listened to in Full?


Fnnaly gotten around to checking out Kreator. Pretty cool.

IT'S TIME...TO RAISE...THE FLAG...OF HATE :headbang::headbang::headbang:
As the Pant Tearers were mentioned further up, seems a good time to mention this. Saw an ad for a few of Future's American magazines the other day, I think three of them were doing Pantera specials this coming month. I assume the UK counterparts will be doing something similar. One of them had an in-depth thing on Vulgar Display Of Power, including interviews about the album with Vinnie, Phil and Rex (assumingly not at the same time, all things considered).
Slipknot - Slipknot
Testament - The Formation Of Damnation
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
Pantera - Vulgar Display Of Power
Pantera - The Great Southern Trendkill (well, half of it. I'll finish it when I next go driving)

Happy Dime Day everyone! :headbang: Didn't manage to get to my mate's to watch the Home Videos, but I did get a CFH tattoo, so I figure that makes up for it.
Depends. If you can have a laugh then by all means go listen to Manowar. If you take your music very very seriously then don't. Same rule applies to Dragonforce.
Hang on, did someone just compare Manowar to Dragonfarse? :lol:

Anyways, I think Hail to England is a great record... and I'd probably class as someone who takes their music 'very very seriously'