Last Album You Listened to in Full?


Inspired by the fact I'm so hyped up about them playing Sonisphere next year
So you can't have fun with music then?

Of course!!

Just because somebody takes their music seriously doesn't mean they can't listen to, enjoy and appreciate the more light hearted kinds of music. As long as it has substance, it's genuine and it's original then chances are I'll enjoy it.


Flawless album. May put it on soon.

Yeah man, it is amazing. Even if I do prefer Unquestionable Presence ever so slightly. Great band, I really hope they tour the UK at some point... maybe when they release the new album. Whenever/if ever that comes out...



Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, what a classic slab of Swedish death metal. :kickass:
Well, my cd player is fucked so I'll be mostly out of this thread for a while :lol:

Mastodon - Leviathan (via my PS3 lol)