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I'm not sure I feel that precise sentiment, but yeah, I get where you're coming from mate. In 1994, that would have been acceptable, but CG imaging was so much better than that in 2004. I never got if the youngling/shortling was standing on the dog or if he/she was floating.

Ace album though :D
I'm not sure I feel that precise sentiment, but yeah, I get where you're coming from mate. In 1994, that would have been acceptable, but CG imaging was so much better than that in 2004. I never got if the youngling/shortling was standing on the dog or if he/she was floating.

Ace album though :D

I think that the album art was intended as a little joke by Maiden
The cover (although not mentioned in the credits) was made by Dave Patchett, artist behind the fantastic Cathedral covers. Reportedly, Patchett's original cover only included Eddie and the monks,


I remember reading somewhere that Bruce said the CGI characters also belong to Patchett, but he only gave them to Maiden as a rough draft. The band apparently said they didn't want him to work on it any further because they liked the cover as it was... Patchett was unimpressed with the result and asked not to be credited.

Here's another few of Patchett's covers,

The Carnival Bizarre


The Garden of Unearthly Delights


...and to stay on topic, the album I'm listening to now Forest of Equilibrium

Im gonna put Forest on now too man. You're right though, the band used it even without telling him they were gonna use that version. Would have been nice to see finished.

I also feel sorry for Dave... all the bad mouthing he gets from maiden fans for it... when it wasnt even finished.
The cover (although not mentioned in the credits) was made by Dave Patchett, artist behind the fantastic Cathedral covers. Reportedly, Patchett's original cover only included Eddie and the monks,


I remember reading somewhere that Bruce said the CGI characters also belong to Patchett, but he only gave them to Maiden as a rough draft. The band apparently said they didn't want him to work on it any further because they liked the cover as it was... Patchett was unimpressed with the result and asked not to be credited.

Here's another few of Patchett's covers,

The Carnival Bizarre


The Garden of Unearthly Delights


...and to stay on topic, the album I'm listening to now Forest of Equilibrium


I like that version alot more than the final one. The second 2 are insane! The last one scares me :\
It's their way of ridiculing the digital generation, by spoofing stuff like online gaming. Well that's my interpretation anyway

In all fairness, that sounds pretty dumb. That's not really in-keeping with their general attitude and style. It also has nothing to do with the theme of the album.

I'm not suprised the artist asked to have his name taken off the credits. The version without the circus freak dancers looks pretty ace, they should have used that. Clearly the guy's a talented artist. I'm suprised they didn't use the guy that did all their other stuff though.
Who knows, it's a terrible cover. The band more than make up for it though, Protector are ACE.

