Active Member
I guess Hatesphere is gonna be at the The Black Dahlia show too as headliner...? Never listened to them at all and it doesn't sound too promising.
Star Wars in concert is awesome, i went.
Star Wars in concert is awesome, i went.
I also saw the BDM/obscura show on monday, fucking awesome. 5th time seeng black dahlia, they never dissapoint. obscura was my favorite because i've been so monumentally obsessed with them since their album came out. they had a great show, and hannes is SO FUCKING FAST, they all kill at their respective instruments. good set but i was bummed they didn't play cosmogenesis.
next concert...probably john mayer on the 30th
Incarnated has always been a silent favorite of mine, same with Noospheres.
Did they play duel of the fates?
Incarnated has always been a silent favorite of mine, same with Noospheres.
Dude i dunno, Black Dahlia is kind of part of the new wave of bands but they stand out as far as i'm concerned they have brutally sick solo's especially the ones on the new record, ryan kicks ass and brings a good energy to it. well actually he always looks madbut still, they never disappoint