Last CD you bought

Fuck... I want those so much...

Also, I jsut bought a big box with ten The Gathering albums in it. Cause it looked cool, I had never heard the band before. Not liking it much yet, though :/
That's pretty awesome borknagar_! I doubt I could even find a vintersorg album in Ireland, let alone a digi :lol:
Oh btw I have a Vinterskugge t-shirt. I thought they were common enough. :lol:
I'd be willing to part with, if someones having a hard time finding one.
I'll take pictures tomorrow.
I have the hoodie version of that emperor rider t-shirt and it kicks fucking ass. That's one of the coolest metal shirts ever, hands down. Does yours have the big, red pentagram on the back with the emperor guys inside it?

Also I bought:

Cathedral - The Garden of Unearthly Delights
Solefald - Black for Death
Vintersorg - Cosmic Genesis
Vintersorg - Solens Rotter
You are an L, XL size or another one?

I never buy longsleeves anymore - regardless of what size I pick up they tend to look like shit. Thing is, the sleeves on longsleeves ALWAYS shrink when you wash them + there's almost always some crappy writing or picture on the sleeves and I don't like that. I prefer all shirts with just a print on the front.

I usually buy M size when it comes to t-shirts and hoods in XL so that's saying
Rivfadír;6923911 said:
Also, I jsut bought a big box with ten The Gathering albums in it. Cause it looked cool, I had never heard the band before. Not liking it much yet, though :/

I have all The Gathering records, up until they became utter crap (sometime after if_then_else which was listenable). Their debut record is quite good doom/goth/death metal IMO. "Nighttime Birds" is easily their best with Anneke, way better than the overrated "Mandylion" anyway.
Ah, look at these lovely babies I just ordered! Can't wait for hem to arrive!
The Cosmic Genesis Hoodie

Solens Rötter Digi
I wished I could have a whole list of everything released by Vintersorg ever, including what digis there are, if it's on cassette and various other things. :C
I remember my ex having Till Fjalls on cassette and he wasn't even much of a fan, arg.
I've seen both ÖS and VFTSG as cassette tapes on ebay, frequently I might add. I think they are rather expensive though, and I highly doubt that they are originals...

By the way, Rivfadír. Do you have a pic of your The Gathering box? Would love to see it.
I've seen both ÖS and VFTSG as cassette tapes on ebay, frequently I might add. I think they are rather expensive though, and I highly doubt that they are originals...

By the way, Rivfadír. Do you have a pic of your The Gathering box? Would love to see it.

Not right now, I can throw some up later.
How much did it cost?

The downside with buying shirts on the net is that in some cases you dont know what size they´ll be in. Some L-shirts can be like XXL and some other can be like S
Just got these babies:

Therion - Gothic Kabbalah
Death - Human
Edge of Sanity - Nothing But Death Remains
Bloodbath - Breeding Death
Amorphis - Tales from the thousand lakes (FINALLY!)

I really wish to get ahold of some Borknagar cds. Where can I get them in Sweden? Or are there any good online shops delivering international?
My Bloodbath hoodie arrived today! My camera is out of batteries, and here's the only picture I could find of it :(
