Last Minute Advice

tell me about pacing. i'm 57 and pacing is what it's all about.I'm soooo stoked about the show this year. and for the record i love the video on friday night. great idea and gives us all something to look forward to all year.
see you Glenn. hello to al the staffand cannnnnnnnot wait to get there.

Love these messages from "The Man" himself. You can tell that he really cares and wants everyone to have a great time....and wants to head off as much complaining as possible! Pace is key...

Don't forget your earplugs!
The box office at Center Stage is open from 11a.m. – 6p.m. Monday-Friday
Center Stage Box Office: 404.885.1365


I read that on their website....and then I was checking out some of the other info on the question/answer page and saw this further down:

I left my tickets at Will Call. Where and how do I get those?

For Center Stage Theater shows, Will Call is available at the box office one hour prior to doors opening. For The Loft and Vinyl shows, your will call is available at the door to the venue once doors open. The only requirement for picking up will call tickets is a valid photo ID. We recommend you also bring along your confirmation number to help smooth out any potential ticket glitches.


....that is going to make for a crazy long line to get on Wed. if this is true since everyone has will call. :cry:
When will the 2012 announcement video be uploaded to the web for the public?

The full video will not be uploaded to the web.. sorry! However, the actual roster videos (without the themed intro) will be uploaded. It may be several days with everything we have going on.

aww. I guess seeing it at the fest gives it more of an impact then.
Sorry. That was my fault as I didn't explain it to Jen clearly at all and she just repeated what I said. The video will be up within 1-2 weeks after it is announced at the event. However, it is the "modified" version in which the intro is cut.
wouldn't uploading at some point help in promoting next years fest?

Yes, smarty pants. :)

Since you won't be in attendance, tune into the real-time Twitter updates in which the roster will be announced.

Sorry. That was my fault as I didn't explain it to Jen clearly at all and she just repeated what I said. The video will be up within 1-2 weeks after it is announced at the event. However, it is the "modified" version in which the intro is cut.

Yes, smarty pants. :)

Since you won't be in attendance, tune into the real-time Twitter updates in which the roster will be announced.


Thanks for clarifying! for a second there I was like wait.... I wonder if they got what I was asking, haha afterall, you are the PPUSA promotions queen!!

NO worries! i just want to be able to spam the web with the video link when its available to help :)

And we will for sure be tuning in to the live announcement!!! It was a really hard pill to swallow when we made the call not to go this year. I really wish I could witness the mighty Therion set , however, we will be there in spirit and in print!