Advice for a first-timer?

I'm live in the States, left coast - Seattle, WA area. I can survive the partying and the rockin', but it's the 100 degree 100% humidity that has me worried! :ill:

Cool, another Washington resident making their first trip to ProgPower. I am too :)

There is another Washington state guy on here from Olympia. So you're not alone!

Speaking of which, I used to live in Olympia myself many years ago - so I know what you mean about the heat and humidity (since western Washington really doesn't have either). I live in Virginia and it has similar summer weather to Hotlanta :hypno::yuk::zombie:.

Typically by September the sauna dies down a bit. Pack warm weather clothes (shorts) and some good walking shoes and drink plenty of water. You'll be OK. :)
There is another Washington state guy on here from Olympia. So you're not alone!

And I lived in Spokane for 14 years, so I consider myself an honorary Washington resident. :)

Oh, and another tip for those who are flying the festival gets closer, check the boards for the annual "flight itinerary" thread to see if anyone else is on your flight. It's always great to meet fellow metalheads before the festival...and you might be able to share transportation into Midtown.