Last movie watched?


Southern born, metal bred
Dec 13, 2004
i took a half-night off last night for my birthday.
well, not actually FOR my birthday. i needed to study for a lab exam i have this morning and i used my b-day as an excuse.
so that the night wouldnt be a total waste, i had Netflix [let me reiterate how ABSOLUTELY COOL Netflix is] send me 'Little Children,' starring Kate Winslet and Patrick Wilson.

i dont know if this is a 'guy's film,' but i enjoyed it a lot and i'm not a 'chick flick' kinda girl.
Kate Winslet and Patrick Wilson are two 'kindred spirits,' so to speak. she's a stay-at-home mom who cant seem to connect with the other suburban mothers or with her young daughter, Lucy.
Wilson is a stay-at-home dad who is so much a kid himself that he cant help but be on the same level as his 3-yr. old son, Aaron.

they begin an affair, growing increasingly dependent on each other and further from their families and responsibilities.

the third, intertwining storyline is about Ronnie [played perfectly by Jackie Earle Haley, who appeared opposite Patrick Wilson's 'Niteowl' character in 'Watchmen' as 'Rorschach']. Ronnie is a recently released child sexual predator, living with his mother.
even though it's obvious he hasnt conquered his problem, you feel oddly sympathetic towards his character.

the kicker of this all is that through everything, Ronnie seems to be the only 'child' with a decent parent.

the end is VERY satisfying.

my birthday.

Happy Birthday Sue!! So, whats that make you?? Around 25 now? ;)

I got a bunch of movie channels on my cable package here that show new and old movies, so the last movie I watched a few nights ago was from around 2006 that has Ray Liotta in it, called "Comeback Season"

It's about a injured high school football star quarterback, and a cheating husband (Ray) who are neighbors and don't like each much, then they end up in trouble and thrown in jail together. They later end up forming a bond together to help each other get their life's back on track, which is getting back on the football team, and the other one winning his wife back.
I watched Body of Lies, with Russell Crowe & Leonardo DiCaprio. It was a good movie & kept my interest.
Happy Birthday Sue!! So, whats that make you?? Around 25 now? ;)

heh... i've been 'around' 25 a couple of times, at this point. :yuk:

actually, i turned 42 yesterday.
AAAANNNNDDD for a belated b-day gift to myself, i decided to slide on a wet road and slam into the back of a Jeep Grand Cherokee on the way home from class today. :erk:

the cop who came to the scene was really nice about it, but of course, i had to get a ticket for 'failure to reduce speed.'
while he was getting my information from my license he made note that i just had a birthday. he wished me a happy birthday and added, 'what does that make you... about 32, right?'

i thought he was being friendly, so i laughed it off and said, 'yeah... that'll work. a nice, round number.'

well, i get the ticket and he's written '32' in as my age.
that doesnt soften the blow of my crunched hood or the $146 ticket but i'll take what i can get at this point. :lol:

actually, i turned 42 yesterday.
AAAANNNNDDD for a belated b-day gift to myself, i decided to slide on a wet road and slam into the back of a Jeep Grand Cherokee on the way home from class today. :erk:

Terrible story, Sue. Both the accident, and you publicly announcing your age. Guys have no biznass knowing that.

Anyway, last movie I finished watching is "Transsiberian" starring Woody Harrelson as the biggest nerd in world history, and Ben Kingsley as a super-friendly Russian narcotics officer with a side-job that requires savage torture. Slow-paced but reasonably entertaining thriller.

Before that was Transporter 3 starring that Englishman who's successfully become the younger Bruce Willis.

I'm in the middle of the soviet classic tv film, "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!" Not really my cup of tea, but amusing once you get into it.

Terrible story, Sue. Both the accident, and you publicly announcing your age. Guys have no biznass knowing that.


i'm not prissy, my love. i never was the type that cared if anybody knew my age. it's not going to make me any younger to lie about it.

hey... a cop thought i was 32, so apparently i dont look 42. that's gotta count for something, right? :lol:
The guy who played Ronnie from Little Children was the guy from the bad news bears Kelly Leak. he was nominated for an Oscar for playing Ronnie in Little Children.. Winslet sex scenes are a nice bonus as well.

I haven't seen a good movie in awhile. I'm still looking for someone who has the TRIBUTE documentary about tribute bands its fucking hysterical. For some reason it's caught up in some legal battle and not available last I looked.

I saw this film last night perhaps the trailer will entice you to watch it.


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You watch it in English, or Czech-translation? If it was translated into Czech, how did they translate "Prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the law!"


In English... I didn`t even know whether it was translated into Czech. But it probably was.

You speak Czech?
It would probably be difficult...something like "Připravte se na to, že budete vomrdaný dlouhým čurákem zákona"...

Oh and happy birthday Sue. I must have missed that in your post.
In English... I didn`t even know whether it was translated into Czech. But it probably was.

You speak Czech?
It would probably be difficult...something like "Připravte se na to, že budete vomrdaný dlouhým čurákem zákona"...

Oh and happy birthday Sue. I must have missed that in your post.

thanks, JohnnieC.
Just started watching "The Punisher: War Zone" last night. Pretty good murder effects, but I don't understand why all the mobsters just sit there at the dinner table while Punisher stabs them to death one by one with the silverwave? It stars Pullo from "Rome." I got only as far as the "Dark Knight" scene where Bat man shuts down his operation while Nigel Powers tells him about casualties in war. No, its the same scene in the punisher film, but instead of Alfred the Butler, its Newman from "Seinfeld" lecturing Pullo like a school boy, and I'm thinkin, "This is fuckin confusing..." I'll finish it tonight, I guess.

Just started watching "The Punisher: War Zone" last night. Pretty good murder effects, but I don't understand why all the mobsters just sit there at the dinner table while Punisher stabs them to death one by one with the silverwave? It stars Pullo from "Rome." I got only as far as the "Dark Knight" scene where Bat man shuts down his operation while Nigel Powers tells him about casualties in war. No, its the same scene in the punisher film, but instead of Alfred the Butler, its Newman from "Seinfeld" lecturing Pullo like a school boy, and I'm thinkin, "This is fuckin confusing..." I'll finish it tonight, I guess.


I just saw that. For a movie all about killing, it was pretty decent.
Just started watching "The Punisher: War Zone" last night. Pretty good murder effects, but I don't understand why all the mobsters just sit there at the dinner table while Punisher stabs them to death one by one with the silverwave? It stars Pullo from "Rome." I got only as far as the "Dark Knight" scene where Bat man shuts down his operation while Nigel Powers tells him about casualties in war. No, its the same scene in the punisher film, but instead of Alfred the Butler, its Newman from "Seinfeld" lecturing Pullo like a school boy, and I'm thinkin, "This is fuckin confusing..." I'll finish it tonight, I guess.


i was really looking forward to this movie.
it pains me to say, Thomas Jane did a better job as Punisher.
Don't fret. It has its highlights. I ended up thinking Pullo was good as the Punisher.

Now then, Guy Ritchie's ROCK N ROLLA is worth a watch. I got it from BlockBuster's mail service, watched a third of it, and was brutally forced to stop because it was all scratched up.

What the fuck?! It just came out on DVD, why was it so scratched? I mean, its like some drunken prick thought it was a sanding disc and decided to smooth his floorboards with it!

Fortunately, I was able to trade it in at the store for a fresh copy, and proceeded to the end without further interruption.

Whew, I was hangin on a cliff-edge for a while...!

Don't fret. It has its highlights. I ended up thinking Pullo was good as the Punisher.

Now then, Guy Ritchie's ROCK N ROLLA is worth a watch. I got it from BlockBuster's mail service, watched a third of it, and was brutally forced to stop because it was all scratched up.

What the fuck?! It just came out on DVD, why was it so scratched? I mean, its like some drunken prick thought it was a sanding disc and decided to smooth his floorboards with it!

Fortunately, I was able to trade it in at the store for a fresh copy, and proceeded to the end without further interruption.

Whew, I was hangin on a cliff-edge for a while...!


i missed the highlights of 'Punisher: War Zone.' i really wanted to like it but couldnt.

'Rock n Rolla' is on my Netflix list. i may bump it up to come next. today they're sending out 'American Gangster.' it looked good in the previews and i tend to like Denzell Washington's movies.