Last night I had the strangest dream.


Glorious Imperator
Oct 16, 2003
Stockholm, Sweden
I dreamt that I ran into Alessio having lunch in my own neighbourhood, and that we talked about the upcoming album. He said he was nervous, and that it would go badly, but I said 'no way', and then we talked about him having sung on roughly seven albums (I don't know if that's correct) and that it should be no problem. Later I walked past a room in with a sign saying something like Italian musicians' society or something, and through a window I saw Andrea playing, only he was playing the bass instead of the guitar, and from there on it just escalated in weirdness ...

Does this mean I'm fucked up, or just that I'm pretty much salivating over the upcoming PQ release? You tell me ... :rock:
I've got a really bad memory for all things dream related. Although I remember an absolute cracker from a few years ago where I was being chased by Pinhead from the Hellraiser movies. It started in my old school, went through my parents house and college and ended up with me playing a cathedral organ on a mountain ledge with Pinhead just about to grab me.......and then I woke up!