last night I listened the new album while I was fuckin' stoned


a light has died
Sep 18, 2002
Groningen, the Netherlands
Visit site
Last night I visited two good friends and took with me: a lot of beer, one gram really good weed and A Natural Disaster :Spin: Damn the album really grabbed me! I already loved, but yesterday everything fell on it's right place. The music takes you on a trip every song is like a piece of a big puzzle. Really...the album is fabulous when you are stoned, a true masterpiece. My two friends heard it for the first time and were also very impressed and we came to the conclusion this is a miserably good album.

Danny thanx man, your music is art.
Well, I hadn't heard it till today. My husband had secretly ordered this for me and gave it to me today.

What can be said? It blew me away........
.did you hear me?
toolsofthetrade said:
come again?
well you changed the subject, I was adding to Strangelight's post by sayin drugs suck, so you changed the subject that's a new paragraph..just kidding hehehe:)
flebbie said:
I think thats different for each person. It depends on your state of mind. If you're mentally not stable then yeah they suck big time. :ill:
Drugs suck. period! I hope you didn't steal a car or something to pay for your 1 gram of weed! You'll be addicted soon!
Bambi said:
An rud nach mbaineann duit ná bain dó

It's way too hard, which one is "interfere"? :( I think I got "an rud nach" and maybe "ná bain dó" but I couldn't put the two together; are mbaineann and bain from the same root?

Btw, cá bhfuil do chiall anois? :p
Okay, within two days, this album has hit the top of my tragedy list and my entire collection is tragedy. This is the saddest album I've ever heard. I love this album. :( :cry: :cry: :cry: I'm seriously moved.......I must concur with flebbie.