Last Night In Phoenix

I thought Into Eternity did a great job last night, but the sound was pretty bad throughout the whole set which sucked. It was weird to see them play in a place as big as Dodge Theater, but it was cool at the same time. I was standing up going crazy, but some stupid lazy asses behind me told the security guards that they wanted to see so they made me sit down. It's a fucking metal show... Of course I went off and almost got me kicked off. It pissed me off because I spent over $100 for my tickets and I get yelled at because I'm standing up headbanging for the band I wanted to see more than any other band on the show. It was retarded. I can't wait to see IE in October at a small venue, without seats.
I totally agree. Glad to know it wasn't just me. The sound was horrible for the guys. The music was all garbled... On a side note I am a huge fan and have seen them the last 2 times they were here prior, one being right after Stu came to the band and then again last year. I thought they seemed to be playing faster than usual and Stu's vocals were a bit questionable. I am not in any way trashing them. Let me say that. Last time Stu seemed to have the vocals down especially for the older stuff such as the Buried album. But last night he seemed to be trying the falsettos too much. Not enough harmonizing... I dont know if this was due to the sound being so bad or what. But I was really dissappointed with the set. I really was looking forward to seeing the guys. But last night really wasn't up to par with past shows. I hope it was just the venue and the sound person..
Anyway, it was great to see them regardless.

Yeah, everything was a bit sloppy and the sound sucked. This was my least favorite time seeing them and i think was due to the sound and the lack of the crowd getting into them. The last time I saw them, they played at Bulldogz and they were fucking incredible. I've seen them 5 times now and it will be 6 in October. This was my least favorite time seeing them, but for the most part it was the sound. I do know what you mean by the vocals seemed a little weird and the music was played faster... But every band has bad nights and it sucks it was last night, but oh well, even though I had to sit down and the sound was bad, I was still seeing one of my favorite bands for the 5th time. Into Eternity is incredible and I can not wait until I see them again.

1. Amorphis and Beyond The Embrace (Big Fish Pub)
2. Hammer Fall and EdGuy (Marquee Theater)
3. Bands I can't remember (Clubhouse)
4. Bunch of local bands (Bulldogz)
5. Dream Theater and Redemption (Dodge)

Thats the shows, not in order.
1. Out
2. Splintered Visions [it was awesome]
3. Severe Emotional Distress
4. Spiralling Into Depression
5. Nothing [performed worst IMHO, even though it's a great song]
6. Elysium Dream
7. Beginning of the End
8. Timeless Winter

I thought Into Eternity did a great job last night, but the sound was pretty bad throughout the whole set which sucked. It was weird to see them play in a place as big as Dodge Theater, but it was cool at the same time. I was standing up going crazy, but some stupid lazy asses behind me told the security guards that they wanted to see so they made me sit down.
They all performed beautifully, but yes, the sound was a little muddy. The cymbals were inaudible, vocals too loud, and the riffs got garbled at the low end. Some of the vocal harmonies were pretty ugly, too. :<

Did anybody else crack up when Stu hit the REALLY high notes in Timeless Winter ["Forsee the end is frozen, Begins this timeless WINTERRRR"] and shut his eyes and thrusted his hips?
1. Out
2. Splintered Visions [it was awesome]
3. Severe Emotional Distress
4. Spiralling Into Depression
5. Nothing [performed worst IMHO, even though it's a great song]
6. Elysium Dream
7. Beginning of the End
8. Timeless Winter

Elysium Dream! That's awesome. I hope to hear that when they play OKC. Since it's a headlining gig I hope Pain Through Breathing is added to the set too.
LouieFatterson said:
Elysium Dream! That's awesome. I hope to hear that when they play OKC. Since it's a headlining gig I hope Pain Through Breathing is added to the set too.
Headlining?! D:

I was hoping for "Suspension of Disbelief".
I saw them opening night in Houston, I enjoyed it. Actually I was more entertained by them than I was with Redemption. I will say though, the sound was so /so but that venue the sound always isnt that great. Tim's shredding was very clear and awesome. Stu. ahhhhh man Stu lol, those falsettos were hilarious and he kept making these funny faces. Classic. I hope to see these dudes again though and seeing them made me blow off the dust to my Buried in Oblivion album and give it some more spins, and I must say i should of done that a long time ago.
lol yeah I bought Buried Into Oblivion like 2 years ago, but I plan on getting the Scattering of Ashes cause ive been really into what ive heard from it.
I'm seeing them in b-more on the 14th, very excited. I hope they fix the sound by then.

You realize that there sound is gonna be bad anywhere...its to make dream theater sound superior...i've never seen into sound good. cuz they haven't headlined near me yet