Late 60s black metal

NineFeetUnderground said:
but yea. those guitars were added recently when the album was re-done for black widow records.

Not that I don't doubt your knowledge, but where did you hear about this?

Do they just sound added to your ears, or have you actually heard a confirmation of them being re-recorded?
NineFeetUnderground said:
for a guy who claims to know so much, im surprised you didnt come to that conclusion on your own already.

hmm...i didn't claim anything. i haven't even listened to the song, that's why i wanted to reassure myself.

sorry again if i pissed you off...
I did some more searching in an effort to discover if the guitar was - in fact - re-recorded at a later date, but both the Black Widow and Aquarius Record sites seem to claim that the 'heavy' guitar was always present.

Aquarius Records says of the track that it: "...feature seriously fuzzed out, almost punk rock riffs, that sound about a decade before their time, insistent and completely heavy..."

I wouldn't say 'punk rock' per se, but it seems strange that neither record seller knows of this supposed 're-record'.

So I guess the question remains: is the the original guitar sound?
Katabasis said:
Not that I don't doubt your knowledge, but where did you hear about this?

Do they just sound added to your ears, or have you actually heard a confirmation of them being re-recorded?

go to the black widow label website...its all there.

the "fuzz" guitars they always had. but the guitars everyone here is referring to were added recently.
Bloodrock was early 70's I think. Black Widow had an album out in '69.
High Tide had one out around then. Don't remember what that was like.
I had an album by Frigid Pink. I think it was more psychodelia though.

ps.@NFU Havers site is Kapuut?
gatedropper said:
ps.@NFU Havers site is Kapuut?

nope. but im going to refrain from talking about the forum on this one because im liable to get lynched by the forum gestapo for speaking about it. just keep trying back periodically...ill let you know updates when i do.
NineFeetUnderground said:

I'm quite aware of the site, I simply can't find the information you're referring to anywhere on it. The only information I can find on Jacula is the following:

"JACULA - In Cauda Semper Stat Venenum Lp / Cd

Finally available long time buried
explosive material from 1969 never released before!!!!
this is a real killer the legendary material recorded by
Jacula in an English castle in 1969 is finally back from the
grave never released before songs are similar to the ones
released on their masterpiece "Tardo Pede" but this time,
along with their classic "pipe-organ versus percussions"
sound, you'll find doomy guitar riffs a là Tony Iommi a
must have!!!"

At the risk of causing you to sigh yet again, could you please provide the specific link to the information you claim is on the site?

My thanks.

Katabasis said:
I'm quite aware of the site, I simply can't find the information you're referring to anywhere on it. The only information I can find on Jacula is the following:

"JACULA - In Cauda Semper Stat Venenum Lp / Cd

Finally available long time buried
explosive material from 1969 never released before!!!!
this is a real killer the legendary material recorded by
Jacula in an English castle in 1969 is finally back from the
grave never released before songs are similar to the ones
released on their masterpiece "Tardo Pede" but this time,
along with their classic "pipe-organ versus percussions"
sound, you'll find doomy guitar riffs a là Tony Iommi a
must have!!!"

At the risk of causing you to sigh yet again, could you please provide the specific link to the information you claim is on the site?

My thanks.


youre not at risk. im not going to sigh, im just not going to put anymore effort into this topic, because frankly its really not important to me anymore since i have the information myself. go to google and do more research if you need to. im not trying to be a dick...but the band just isnt that good or interesting, and i dont really want to spend that much time discussing them.
NineFeetUnderground said:
youre not at risk. im not going to sigh, im just not going to put anymore effort into this topic, because frankly its really not important to me anymore since i have the information myself. go to google and do more research if you need to.

I've been to google.

Look, it's really not a difficult request. It requires a simple copy/paste; far less effort than you put into the reply you just gave me. In fact, far less effort than I've seen you put into numerous posts, in numerous threads which are apparently beneath you.

I asked politely; I simply want to know where you got your information from, if from anywhere at all. It seems that the more you evade the question, the more you seem to not have access to any information at all, besides your own over-wrought opinions.

It seems that I and several other forum go-ers are interested in this: as I said it sounds more like proto-black guitar to me than anything in the next 12 years, at least (both style and tone). The only information that proves otherwise is apparently only privy to you.

By all means, please prove me wrong, but it seems that at first you said the tone of the guitar had already been used. Then, when that wasn't to your satisfaction, you decided upon listening to it that it sounded as if the guitars were layed down at a later time. And then backed it up with non-existent sources.

As I said, by all means, prove me wrong, and make me look like an idiot, but at least make the information accessible to those interested.
go to the other forum, and id be glad to assist anyone interested. but im not going to further contribute any positive or usefull information to most these kids on THIS forum.

again, i have nothing against YOU at sure you understand. And i didnt flipflop my stance on this subject...i was just loosely familiar with Jacula's original guitar aproach..which was fairly heavy and dark at the time...and assumed thats what people were referring to. The overdub of this i wasnt aware of, as i dont purchase reissue LPs, so i didnt know beforehand.
NineFeetUnderground said:
go to the other forum, and id be glad to assist anyone interested. but im not going to further contribute any positive or usefull information to most these kids on THIS forum.

again, i have nothing against YOU at sure you understand. And i didnt flipflop my stance on this subject...i was just loosely familiar with Jacula's original guitar aproach..which was fairly heavy and dark at the time...and assumed thats what people were referring to. The overdub of this i wasnt aware of, as i dont purchase reissue LPs, so i didnt know beforehand.

Don't get me wrong NFU, I have nothing against you either; I rather respect your knowledge of the genre(s) and thought you could help me/us out. But just let me get a couple of things straight:

1) You won't divulge the information to this forum, but you will to another forum (I'm not aware of the 'other forum' you speak of)?

2) You'll go to all this trouble to reply to my posts, but you won't simply paste a link to shut me up?

3) You don't purchase re-issue LPs? So does this mean you own one of the original 299 LPs, released in 1969, which never made it to record stores?

4) If you can't answer these questions publicly (for whatever reason), could you please PM me and at least let me know why all the hush-hush?

Thanks for your time.