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Best Album of the Year
Dec 13, 2002
Olympia, WA
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Alright, due to the recent flood of jerkoffs with no concept of oppinion or can't take a debate unless everyone agrees with them, i'm done here. Jax, you rule, i'll probly hit you up on Aim sometime. The two amandas, the two matts, carys, and many others, i will be sure to chat to y'all on msn or aim or whatever, but this is just getting to the point where it's stupid. The ripper vs. barlow thread proves that no one around here can take an oppinion unless they can bitch about it. Ah well, i'm not wasting anymore of my time on this forum. I just don't care about all of you assholes (other than the above mentioned... i'll miss all y'all). Remember, most of you i don't have a beef with, but as for the rest of you...
As rarely as I post here now-a-days, it sucks to see such a regular to the boards as yourself to be leaving.

Remember, most of you i don't have a beef with

I think you should stay because of that. I honestly don't think anyone hates you and there's really not that many that you disapprove of (so it seems). Jax has put up some new rules to lock down any threads before they turn into an all out flame war. Maybe you should give it a weeks thought, help you clear your mind.

Kronikle66 said:
Jax has put up some new rules to lock down any threads before they turn into an all out flame war.

I'd just like to kindly point out that Mr. Odyssey is not innocent in the insult department. If you read the thread of mine, the beautiful thread that had been smote, you will see.
Metal Immortal said:
I'd just like to kindly point out that Mr. Odyssey is not innocent in the insult department. If you read the thread of mine, the beautiful thread that had been smote, you will see.

This is true. I mean in the thread about Blind Guardian he threw an insult out there that implied that I liked muscled up barbarian men.

Maybe I should leave these forums.

I'm bullshitting. But, insults occur on forums either way you go. Especially on metal forums.

P.S. In response to the "you must get off on the barbarian men" cut. Nah. I like women.
Hmm well I'm really sorry to see Zach go, but it is a shame to see the SymX forum go to shit lately. No offense to anyone, there are a lot of wonderful people here which is why I choose to stay. By shit I mean the gay topics that I see popping up. It didn't used to have to be where Jax had to lock down a thread every day because of people throwing insults at each other, this used to be a happy place.

Guitarmaster said:
But, insults occur on forums either way you go. Especially on metal forums.

This doesn't have to be true. Common sense people. Just because we're metal, doesn't mean we don't all have opinions and feelings too. Think before you type.
Does anyone else find it hilarious that after Metal Immortal 0wned him on the Ripper vs. Barlow thread, theodyssey claimed something like, "Oh well, it's not like I'm going to lose sleep over something said to me on an online fourum" and then dedicates an entire thread to how sad he is and the injustice of it all? Because I do.
Most people on here rule, and I can see someone claim something I disagree with and still respect them. However, theodyssey did nothing but start shit with people and flame them whenever they disagreed with his tripe. Now, he's making himself out to be a martyr that was undeserving of all the times his claims got bitch-slapped back in his face. Metal Immortal is not the villian here. Reading theodyssey's most recent posts, you see that he attacks people and just wants to battle. Bottom line is this: you are leaving because you are trite.
Metal Immortal- you better let them truckers roll.
Beelzebub said:
Je-SUS, stop it already. I thought we could all be adults, I guess I was wrong.
I'm still 17...does that count? :rolleyes:

But seriously...I find it to be complete bullshit that so many people on these forums do not know how to respect other people's opinions. And I am going to throw out a blanket statement and say that we are ALL guilty of this in some way, shape, or form. After reading many of these endless debates in "versus threads" and other such discussions, I have been able to draw such a conclusion. Some people have taken things to extremes by not allowing any opposing views without penalizing others for it. For those of us who are guilty of this, you know what that makes you? A communist, if you really think about it. A simple debate is alright once in awhile, but "versus threads" never really get anywhere, they always turn into just a bunch of people bitching at one another, with the occasional person who agrees with someone. Everyone is allowed their own set of opinions and beliefs, and if someone disagrees, oh well, that's going to happen. That is what debates are all about, expressing yourself; letting everyone know what you think, and also taking into consideration, other peoples' opinions. I personally hate all the "versus threads" that come up in these forums, they are quite pointless, although they are sometimes fun to read. If you would like to discuss two musicians, you should make it "What's your preference?" rather than "Who's better," because discussing who is better will just go in circles a million times over. My point is, if you would like to debate with others, do it in good faith, and listen to (or read, rather) everyone's opinions, and do not penalize those who do not agree with you. No one likes a person who thinks they are always right, which is why these debates turn somewhat "violet," for lack of a better word.

These so called "Jerkoffs" who disagree with you aren't going to kill you, there's no point in leaving a forum because of a few people who might piss you off. Chances are, those you disagree with on one topic, you might agree with on another, who knows. As for the name calling thing, yeah, that is kind of annoying, but you shouldn't let it get to you, it's really not worth it, you should have other things to worry about.
I just fail to understand theodyssey's motives. If he's pissed at me, then I made him leave in one month, because I just recently started using my name here. One month? Am I really that bad? I know I'm not the only one he's mad at, but why should he be mad at all? Words are not capable of doing harm on such unimportant things like a band forum. This place is for entertainment. If it became a way of life that we violated by doing unto you as you did unto us, then suck it up. I don't mean to sound childish and trite but seriously: you started it; and it's true! I despise vulgarity for any use but humor. Theodyssey made fun of me when I asked him why he always resorted to using "naughty words" to prove a point. You see? I am the poor, defenseless immortal around here. At least I'm sticking around because I'm not a little trite-ling. (**NOTE- trite-ling has no meaning; it is impossible for anyone to take offense to a fake word.)

Micheal Romeo... If you're out there... can you PLEASE!!! get me Damnation Game and Symphony X for christmas? I'm bones broke, and those two albums are too Na Ja for me to want to buy them.

TotenmitMacht: This here's the Rubber Duck. We just crashed the gate doin' 98, over.
I'm 18. By "adults" I just meant being civil. By "civil" I mean just grit your teeth and ignore anyone you don't like. It's the Internet, calm down. Don't like what you see? You're more than welcome to turn your computer off.

And anyone who says they have never posted a comment which is even remotely questionably disrespectful before is full of bullshit, because each time you point your finger you have three pointing back at you.
Metal Immortal said:
At least I'm sticking around because I'm not a little trite-ling. (**NOTE- trite-ling has no meaning; it is impossible for anyone to take offense to a fake word.)

Careful, we've already had one ban in this thread, don't push it.
You can't leave Zach, we went to highschool together and just wouldn't be right (in case you don't remeber me, I always hung out with tom, matt and tyler, and also knew james from band). Don't let a few people who have trouble expressing their opinions (and taking others) get in the way of giving your opinion to the majority who does listen and can respond in a civilized maner.
Lady of the Oracle said:
Careful, we've already had one ban in this thread, don't push it.

I don't mean to be an asshole to you all, but I will not tolerate this. You banned Toten? Read what he said for Christ's sake! He didn't lie about anything. Are you banning people, not just for insults, but for plain truth? He was just making a god damned analogy. I never thought Symphony X fans could be so irrational. Seriously Lady. Inane name calling is something I can understand, but banning somebody for making a valid point? Forums are not interesting if people are forced to "play nice"; which, for you, seems to mean you want people to put "in my opinion" in every single sentance, and aviod those evil words like "trite" and "martyr".

Theodyssey is obviously pissed off, but we have the right to be angry too! You can't expect everyone to make out with him just because he's ditching.

You banned Toby? He's the one who introduced me to Symphony X. We went to a Cincinnati concert together. I was glad to see him join the forum so we could pass jokes around together, but whatever.

See you guys later! I'll be on the Testament Forum with a different name, probably for ever. Hopefully the mod there isn't a commie censor supporter. :wave:
Hopefully the mod there isn't a commie censor supporter.
Although I'm not all for the bans, that was pretty harsh, dude. Jax did give some warnings before this all happened. Something along the lines of "Play nice or play somewhere else." And it's not like arguments are illegal or anything - this one just got way out of hand and I guess something had to be done.
OfSinsAndShred said:
Although I'm not all for the bans, that was pretty harsh, dude. Jax did give some warnings before this all happened. Something along the lines of "Play nice or play somewhere else." And it's not like arguments are illegal or anything - this one just got way out of hand and I guess something had to be done.

Read what my friend wrote and then tell me if you honestly believe a banning was justified.
Refer to , posted this morning, which includes "Anyone who continues to insult others from this point on will receive a 2 week 'zero tolerance ban', & repeated offenses will result in permanent banning."

That said, I'm going to close this thread too because this is friggin ridiculous at this point. I asked nicely, then I warned, and now those who continue to disrupt the forum with petty insults (or insults of any manner) will be removed, simple as that. Shame that people can't behave like adults, & have to force me to play den mother. :bah:
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