Latest CD you bought...

coyotl said:
Just bought my Power Quest CD and it's awesome!!! :tickled:
I had a lot trouble trying to find it here in San Antonio, Texas but I never gave up. I also bought Battlelore and it rules too, but not like Power Quest my friends!

"A dream is a question that we haven't yet know how to ask"
-Fox Molder-XFiles

Thanks Coyotl! Glad you like the album...sorry it was difficult for you to track down the CD. It should be a lot easier with the next record.:cool:
Andi said:
How's the Blaze live album? I've read mixed reviews...

I one listen I've given it so far, it was pretty damn good. Very faithful to the live experience. I'd have to listen to it more to see how it compares in the long run to my fave live albums though.
Ordered the new Secret Sphere album "Scent of .." ..looking forward to it :)
I heard some rumours that they have changed their musical style.. that they now are more prog than power..but I don't know, I hope they haven't though..

NP: Blackmores Night - Magical World
WeekendWarrior said:
Ordered the new Secret Sphere album "Scent of .." ..looking forward to it :)
I heard some rumours that they have changed their musical style.. that they now are more prog than power..but I don't know, I hope they haven't though..

Well, if my opinion counts at all :) , with the new album Secret Sphere are still an enjoyable mix of power and prog. I think Scent of Human Desire sounds pretty much like an expected continuation to A Time Never Come. I think that their main focus is still on the power metal side...